<I><FONT color=#000080 face=Garamond size=4> <div>Sinapesp-Aiap/Unesco informeaza:</I></FONT><FONT face=Arial size=4> </FONT></div> <div> </div> <div><B><FONT face=Arial>SE ACCEPTA APLICATII PENTRU CEA DE A 16-A EDITIE A FESTIVALULUI INTERNATIONAL DE ARTA ELECTRONICA <I>VIDEOBRASIL</div></I></B> <div align=justify>Asociatia Culturala <I>Videobrasil</I> accepta aplicatii pentru <I>Sounthern Panoramas</I>, expozitie-concurs a celei de a 16-a editii a Festivalului International de Arta Electronica <I>Videobrasil</I>. Festivalul va avea loc la SESC Avenida Paulista, San Paulo, in perioada 4-23 septembrie 2007. Vom accepta opere recente, produse incepind cu cel tirziu mai 2005, de catre artisti din America Latina, Caraibe, Africa, Africa de Sud-est, Europa de Est, Orientul Apropiat si Oceania. Aplicatiile venite la adresa Asociatiei in San Paulo, vor fi acceptate pina la data de 31 martie 2007. Lista lucrarilor selectate pentru a lua parte in cadrul Festivalului vor fi
incluse in site-ul: </div> <div align=justify>www. sescsp.org.br/sesc/videobrasil/site/home/home.asp in iunie 2007.</div> <div>Folositi link-urile de mai jos pentru a accesa Formularul Initial, cu referiri la regulile stabilite in cadrul editiei 16 a Festivalului privind transportarea lucrarilor.</div> <div>Reguli: </FONT><A href="http://www.sescsp.org.br/sesc/videobrasil/inscricao16/rules.htm"><U><FONT color=#0000ff face=Arial>http://www.sescsp.org.br/sesc/videobrasil/inscricao16/rules.htm</U></FONT></A> </div><FONT face=Arial> <div>Formularul Initial : </FONT><A href="http://www.sescsp.org.br/sesc/videobrasil/inscricao16/ficha.asp"><U><FONT color=#0000ff face=Arial>http://www.sescsp.org.br/sesc/videobrasil/inscricao16/ficha.asp</U></FONT></A></div><FONT face=Arial></FONT><I><FONT color=#000080 face=Garamond size=4> <div>________________________________________________________</div> <div>Sinapesp-Aiap/Unesco informa:</I></FONT><FONT face=Arial size=4>
</div></FONT><B><FONT face=Arial> <div>SUBMISSIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED FOR THE 16th <BR>VIDEOBRASIL INTERNATIONAL ELECTRONIC ART FESTIVAL<BR><BR></B></FONT><FONT face=Arial>Associação Cultural Videobrasil is now accepting submissions for Southern Panoramas, the competitive exhibition of the 16th Videobrasil International Electronic Art Festival. The Festival will be held at SESC Avenida Paulista, São Paulo, September 4 through 23, 2007.</FONT><FONT face=Arial> </FONT><FONT face=Arial>We will only accept works produced from May 2005 onwards by artists born in Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Oceania. Submissions will be accepted at the Associação in São Paulo until March 31, 200</FONT><FONT face=Arial>7. The list of works selected for the Festival will be posted at the site: </FONT><A href="http://www.sescsp.org.br/sesc/videobrasil/site/home/home.asp"><U><FONT color=#0000ff
face=Arial>http://www.sescsp.org.br/sesc/videobrasil/site/home/home.asp</U></FONT></A><FONT face=Arial> in June 2007.<BR><BR>Use the links below to access the Entry Form and to refer to the rules established by the 16th Festival regulations regarding the shipping of the works.</FONT> </div><FONT face=Arial> <div>Rules: </FONT><A href="http://www.sescsp.org.br/sesc/videobrasil/inscricao16/rules.htm"><U><FONT color=#0000ff face=Arial>http://www.sescsp.org.br/sesc/videobrasil/inscricao16/rules.htm</U></FONT></A> </div><FONT face=Arial> <div>Entry Form: </FONT><A href="http://www.sescsp.org.br/sesc/videobrasil/inscricao16/ficha.asp"><U><FONT color=#0000ff face=Arial>http://www.sescsp.org.br/sesc/videobrasil/inscricao16/ficha.asp</U></FONT></A></div><p> 
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