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Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro<br>
<a href="mailto:competiton%40fondazionearnaldopomodoro.it">competiton@fondazio<wbr>nearnaldopomodor<wbr>o.it</a><br>
The Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, Milano, recognized by the Ministry <br>
of Arts and Culture, is a national institution which collects the <br>
work of Arnaldo Pomodoro, and has the objective of promoting study <br>
relating to the history and criticism of 20th century art as well as <br>
organizing programs of art and culture.<br>
As one of the programs in its new location in Milan, the Fondazione <br>
Arnaldo Pomodoro has established the "Premio Fondazione Arnaldo <br>
Pomodoro" - International Competition for Young Sculptors, which will <br>
climax with an exhibition of works by finalists in the Fondazione's <br>
exhibition spaces. With this Competition, the Fondazione aims to take <br>
note of and reward young artists who distinguish themselves through <br>
the search for and experimentation in new expressions in the language <br>
of sculpture.<br>
Condi tions for participation<br>
1. The Competition is open to artists of all nationalities, born <br>
between 1 January 1967 and 30 December 1987.<br>
2. Participation is free.<br>
3. Each artist may enter with one previously un-exhibited and <br>
unpublished sculpture, with no limitations regarding subject, <br>
dimensions, technique or medium.<br>
4. The artist is responsible for the costs of the <br>
execution/realizati<wbr>on of the sculpture.<br>
5. Artists who wish to participate must submit the following <br>
a. fully completed application form, which can be downloaded from the <br>
website www.fondazionearnal<wbr>dopomodoro.<wbr>it;<br>
b. photocopy of a valid identity document;<br>
c. curriculum vitae, no longer than 4000 letters (characters)<wbr>, with <br>
description of formative training/background and principal <br>
d. design of the project (photocopy acceptable) or 3 colour <br>
photographs of the work (optimum printing quality, 10x15 minimum <br>
format) - or of the eventual planned maquette - showing front, back, <br>
and side views, with an indication of the work's title, proposed<br>
measurements and technical/media specifications;<br>
e. maximum of 10 colour photographs either on paper or CDrom of the <br>
artist's other work;<br>
f. photograph of the artist in digital format (at least 400dpi), for <br>
publication in the catalogue;<br>
g. description of the work in no more than 500 characters (for <br>
Italian artists this needs to be<br>
in both English and Italian, for artists from other countries only in <br>
English) both on paper and CRrom;<br>
h. release for photographic material (see attachment);<br>
i. the application and documentation must be sent, at the artists' <br>
expense, only by post or express carrier to arrive no later than 30 <br>
September 2007, to:<br>
Via Stendhal, 36<br>
20144 Milan-Italy<br>
6. No material sent via e-mail will be accepted.<br>
7. The photographic materials will not be returned and will remain on <br>
deposit at the Archive of the Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro. The <br>
Fondazione reserves the non – exclusive right to use the photographs <br>
of the works only for the purpose of promotion and publicity.<br>
8. The works will not be insured. The Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro <br>
assumes no responsibility for eventual damage, theft, tampering, <br>
although maximum care will be taken to assure the safety of the work. <br>
Every artist may insure his/her work at their own expense.<br>
9. The artist will be responsible for the shipping cost, the <br>
delivery, the collection and any transport insurance both in the <br>
delivery and collection of the work.<br>
10. Collection of the work must be made within the timescale set out <br>
by the Fondazione. If not collected in time the work will be <br>
11. Any proposal to donate the work by the finalists will be subject <br>
to the valutation by the Scientific Committee of the Fondazione <br>
Arnaldo Pomodoro.<br>
12. In the case of any incomplete documentation the project will not <br>
be accepted. In fact the audio and video material will only be taken <br>
into consideration if accompanied by paper profiles.<br>
Selection and award of the Prize<br>
The selection will take place in two phases:<br>
FIRST PHASE – selection from photographic materials submitted.<br>
The Jury will meet by the end of 2007 to review the photographic <br>
submissions and will select 25 artists to proceed to the second phase <br>
of the Competition.<br>
Those selected will be notified in a timely manner in order to <br>
prepare their work to be received in April 2008, by a date that will <br>
be communicated in advance, to the following address:<br>
via Stendhal, 36<br>
20144 Milano – Italy<br>
SECOND PHASE – award of the Prize.<br>
The Jury, the day before the inauguration of the exhibition, will <br>
review all the received works and select the three winners.<br>
Exhibition and announcement of winners <br>
The exhibition of the selected works will open in April and will be <br>
on view through the end of July 2008.<br>
The winners of the Competition will be announced and awards will be <br>
presented at the exhibition vernissage. An exhibition catalogue is <br>
planned, with a brief essay by Arnaldo Pomodoro, other critical <br>
essays, biographies of the selected artists, and illustrations of <br>
finalists' works.<br>
The Fondazione will promote and publicize the exhibition, and assure <br>
that information is available to journalists, art critics, <br>
collectors, and galleries.<br>
Works will be placed in the museum according to the directions of <br>
Foundation's artistic director. The selected artists are reminded to <br>
take note of these specifications.<br>
An international panel, consisting of seven prominent artists and art <br>
critics, will judge entries in both phases.<br>
The following prizes will be awarded:<br>
• Grand Prize 10,000 Euros<br>
• Second Prize 5,000 Euros<br>
• Third Prize 3,000 Euros<br>
The winning work will be retained by the Fondazione as part of its <br>
collection and will take part of future<br>
exhibitions. All 25 finalists will receive a certificate of merit.<br>
For information, participants can apply by mail to:<br>
<a href="mailto:competition%40fondazionearnaldopomodoro.it">competition@<wbr>fondazionearnald<wbr>opomodoro.<wbr>it</a><br>
or by post to:<br>
via Stendhal 36<br>
20144 Milan - Italy<br>
No telephone inquiries will be accepted.<br>
<span width="1" style="color: white;">__._,_.___</span>
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