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<p> From: "Anselma Gallinat"<br>
> <<a href="mailto:anselma.gallinat%40newcastle.ac.uk">anselma.gallinat@<wbr>newcastle.<wbr>ac.uk</a>> <br>
> <br>
> Conference: Memory, history, morality: the socialist<br>
> past today<br>
> <br>
> 11-12th September 2008, Newcastle University (UK)<br>
> <br>
> Memory and history, it has been argued, are closely<br>
> connected to<br>
> identity, both communal and individual. Memory and<br>
> history are therefore<br>
> also<br>
> made in the present according to present demands.<br>
> Yet, the past<br>
> sometimes also presses into the present, or, as<br>
> Bergson writes 'the past<br>
> that<br>
> is gnawing on present and future'. <br>
> <br>
> In the post-socialist context representations and<br>
> memories of the past<br>
> come about in often tense political climates; more<br>
> often than not the<br>
> representations themselves are political. Against<br>
> the backdrop of the<br>
> transformation that deeply affected the values and<br>
> norms that govern how<br>
> individuals can portray themselves, how the past is<br>
> remembered and<br>
> talked about becomes also a deeply moral question. <br>
> <br>
> The conference seeks to explore such trajectories in<br>
> a variety of<br>
> post-socialist societies. It is part of an<br>
> ethnographic project on the<br>
> 'Socialist Past in Eastern Germany' which takes an<br>
> anthropological<br>
> approach<br>
> (the project is funded by the ESRC, Economic and<br>
> Social Research<br>
> Council, UK). The conference is intended to allow<br>
> for comparison of and<br>
> exchange about how the socialist past is<br>
> managed/re-worked/<wbr>silenced/<wbr>re-membered at<br>
> collective, individual and<br>
> inter-personal levels in different<br>
> post-socialist contexts. It is envisioned that the<br>
> event may give rise to<br>
> a network of scholars from East and Central Europe<br>
> and the former<br>
> Soviet Union with such research interests.<br>
> <br>
> The organisers are encouraging in particular<br>
> scholars working 'at home'<br>
> in East- and central Europe and the former Soviet<br>
> Union to apply.<br>
> Contributions taking an anthropological and<br>
> ethnographic approach, and<br>
> those in related disciplines, are also particularly<br>
> welcome. Funding to<br>
> assist with travel and accommodation costs is<br>
> available.<br>
> <br>
> Topics may include but are not limited to:<br>
> <br>
> <br>
> * life-stories/<wbr>biographies of 'victims',<br>
> 'perpetrators'<wbr>, 'ordinary<br>
> citizens' (and/or those in-between) <br>
> * critical explorations of categories such as<br>
> 'ordinary citizens',<br>
> 'victims' or 'perpetrators' <br>
> * contributions dealing with the legacies of<br>
> socialism (history<br>
> writing; memorials, state security police files,<br>
> etc.) <br>
> * public discourse and debates about the past <br>
> * cultures of memory; changes to memory culture <br>
> * memories and/or uses of the past in everyday<br>
> lives; and/or<br>
> politically <br>
> * history-writing; social memory <br>
> * morality; politics <br>
> <br>
> <br>
> <br>
> Please send abstracts of up to 400 words to:<br>
> <mailto:<a href="mailto:anselma.gallinat%40ncl.ac.uk">anselma.gallinat@<wbr>ncl.ac.uk</a>><br>
> <a href="mailto:anselma.gallinat%40ncl.ac.uk">anselma.gallinat@<wbr>ncl.ac.uk</a><br>
> <mailto:<a href="mailto:anselma.gallinat%40ncl.ac.ukDeadline">anselma.gallinat@<wbr>ncl.ac.ukDeadlin<wbr>e</a>> <br>
> Deadline: 29th of February 2008. <br>
> <br>
> The project can be found at<br>
> <a href="http://the-socialist-past.ncl.ac.uk">http://the-socialis<wbr>t-past.ncl.<wbr>ac.uk</a><br>
> <<a href="http://the-socialist-past.ncl.ac.uk/">http://the-socialis<wbr>t-past.ncl.<wbr>ac.uk/</a>> <br>
> <br>
> Conference organisers are: <br>
> <br>
> Dr. Anselma Gallinat; School of Geography, Politics<br>
> and Sociology;<br>
> Newcastle University<br>
> Newcastle-upon-<wbr>Tyne NE1 7RU<br>
> <a href="mailto:anselma.gallinat%40ncl.ac.uk">anselma.gallinat@<wbr>ncl.ac.uk</a><br>
> <mailto:<a href="mailto:anselma.gallinat%40ncl.ac.uk">anselma.gallinat@<wbr>ncl.ac.uk</a>> <br>
> <br>
> Dr. Sabine Kittel; School of Geography, Politics and<br>
> Sociology;<br>
> Newcastle University<br>
> Newcastle-upon-<wbr>Tyne NE1 7RU<br>
> <a href="mailto:sabine.kittel%40ncl.ac.uk">sabine.kittel@<wbr>ncl.ac.uk</a><br>
> <mailto:<a href="mailto:sabine.kittel%40ncl.ac.uk">sabine.kittel@<wbr>ncl.ac.uk</a>> <br>
> <br>
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