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MAK Artists and Architects-in-<wbr>Residence Program <br>
The Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture of the <br>
Republic of Austria in cooperation with the MAK – Austrian Museum of <br>
Applied Arts / Contemporary Art, Vienna, is going to award a total of <br>
eight scholarships for residency at the Mackey Apartment House, Los <br>
Angeles, in 2008/2009. These scholarships are open to free-lance <br>
artists, advanced students of architecture ("2. Studienabschnitt"<wbr>), <br>
and graduates of architecture immediately after completion of their <br>
degree. <br>
Application deadline: <br>
March 2, 2008 (postmark or personal submission at the MAK Porter's <br>
Lodge, please do not send anything by registered mail). <br>
Please note that applications by e-mail are not possible. <br>
Applications are to be sent to the following address: <br>
MAK Schindler Scholarship Program <br>
Artists and Architects-in-<wbr>Residence Program <br>
MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art <br>
Stubenring 5 <br>
1010 Vienna <br>
Austria <br>
phone (+43-1) 711 36-274, fax (+43-1) 711 36-252 <br>
e-mail: <a href="mailto:exhib%40MAK.at">exhib@MAK.at</a>, <a href="mailto:sabrina.handler%40MAK.at">sabrina.handler@<wbr>MAK.at</a> <br>
or they may be submitted in person to: <br>
MAK Porter's Lodge <br>
Weiskirchnerstraß<wbr>e 1 <br>
1010 Vienna <br>
Austria <br>
(daily 8.00 a.m.&#8722;6.<wbr>00 p.m.) <br>
Awarding of Scholarships: <br>
The decision will be made by an international jury to be nominated in <br>
February 2008. <br>
All applicants will be notified in writing of the jury's decision, <br>
probably in June 2008. <br>
The application material submitted can be collected at the MAK after <br>
the jurys meeting only by appointment or will be returned by mail at <br>
the latest starting from July 2008. Applicants should include no <br>
documents or originals indispensable to them since the material will <br>
be required at the MAK until June 2008. The MAK will not be liable <br>
for any damages or losses. <br>
Application Criteria: <br>
&#9642; freelance artist or <br>
&#9642; fine arts or architecture students at a university (who have <br>
completed the "2. Studienabschnitt"<wbr>) or <br>
&#9642; architects or artists who have just graduated <br>
The scholarship is also open to teams (of up to 3 persons). All <br>
members of the team have to be present in L.A. for six months. Teams <br>
have to name a contact responsible for its members. <br>
As the scholarship is aimed at providing the prerequisites for the <br>
realization of certain projects, the Mackey Apartment will only be <br>
made available to the scholarship holders; family members and friends <br>
can only be accommodated for a limited period of time. <br>
Applicants will not be granted a MAK scholarship if they have been <br>
granted or will be granted another scholarship in the USA immediately <br>
before or after the MAK scholarship. <br>
The scholarship: <br>
The scholarship amounts to six monthly rates of 1,400 US dollars and <br>
includes the holder's travel expenses for one round-trip flight <br>
ticket of 1,300 US dollars at the most, which is also the amount <br>
granted in the case of teams. All extra costs (health insurance for <br>
abroad, incidental accommodation expenses, phone, local fares, etc.) <br>
have to be paid from the scholarship. An apartment in the Mackey <br>
Apartment House will be available for each Artist or Architect in <br>
Residence; there will only be one apartment for the members of a <br>
team. <br>
Duration and Time of Residency: <br>
6 months <br>
Group 1: October 6, 2008 – March 20, 2009 <br>
Group 2: April 6, 2009 – September 18, 2009 <br>
Addresses: <br>
Pearl M. Mackey Apartment House <br>
1137 South Cochran Avenue <br>
Los Angeles, CA 90019, USA <br>
MAK Center for Art and Architecture, L.A. <br>
Schindler House <br>
835 North Kings Road <br>
West Hollywood, CA 90069, USA <br>
phone (+1-323) 651 1510, fax (+1-323) 651 2340 <br>
e-mail: <a href="mailto:office%40MAKcenter.org">office@MAKcenter.<wbr>org</a>, www.MAKcenter.<wbr>org <br>
MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art <br>
Stubenring 5 <br>
1010 Vienna <br>
Austria <br>
phone (+43-1) 711 36-274, fax (+43-1) 711 36-252 <br>
e-mail: <a href="mailto:exhib%40MAK.at">exhib@MAK.at</a>, <a href="mailto:sabrina.handler%40MAK.at">sabrina.handler@<wbr>MAK.at</a>, www.MAK.at <br>
(Coordinator of the MAK Schindler Scholarship Program: Sabrina <br>
Handler) <br>
Applications for the MAK Schindler Scholarship Program Artists and <br>
Architects-in-<wbr>Residence Program must include the following: <br>
General information: <br>
– name, address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, nationality, <br>
date of diploma, <br>
– for organizational reasons, all materials submitted have to bear <br>
the applicant's name and address or, in the case of team <br>
applications, the responsible contact's name and address, <br>
– a curriculum vitae (in German and in English), <br>
– a text summary (in German and in English) which includes precisely, <br>
formulated considerations, approaches, and strategies concerning the <br>
stay in Los Angeles, <br>
– a short definition (in German and English) of the applicant's <br>
artistic objectives for the MAK Schindler Scholarship Program, <br>
– a documentation of the applicant's realized works and projects <br>
exploring the following issues in an innovative way: <br>
o space (also urban space, living space, social space) <br>
o the interface of art and architecture <br>
o experimental spatial approaches in the form of objects, <br>
installations, video works, films, texts, and new media projects. <br>
The documentation should include pictures, video or film material, <br>
catalogues, new media material, and the like (no originals). <br>
We ask you to submit a representative selection of your works and <br>
projects that conveys an idea of your line of thought. The material <br>
submitted should not be larger than A3 and should weigh not more than <br>
3 kilos. CD-ROM material must be suitable for PC and Mac and by all <br>
means be accompanied by a printout (video, DVDs: WMV files <br>
preferred). <br>
The intensive concern with architecture and issues of space is to be <br>
the subject of a critical reflection, which involves artistic, <br>
architectural, and socially relevant tasks and functions. What is of <br>
importance is the critical look at architecture and art as an <br>
aesthetic language that structures the present, as a medium of <br>
political and economic representation, as an expression of <br>
individuality and a part of social life. The focus is on the <br>
interaction of different media and strategies &#8722; built spaces and <br>
spatial installations, painting, video, models, sculptures, urban <br>
research, and projects in the public space. <br>
What is important for assessing the L.A. project is a high degree of <br>
independence in form and content; the ability to critically examine <br>
current trends in art, architecture, and society; the compelling <br>
connection with Los Angeles as the place of implementing or <br>
continuing the applicant's own work as well as a conceptual and <br>
experimental approach. <br>
Additional requirements: <br>
The result of the projects have to be presented in an exhibition in <br>
the Schindler or Mackey House; the exhibition, which will last one or <br>
several days, must comply with the possibilities of the MAK Center <br>
for Art and Architecture. Participants in the MAK Schindler <br>
Scholarship Program may organize complementary events that serve as a <br>
presentation and discussion forum focusing on their work in progress. <br>
– A regular cooperation at the MAK Center in the development and <br>
implementation of programs and the occasional assistance with <br>
exhibitions and events are expected. <br>
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