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<p>From: "Rainer Ohliger" <<a href="mailto:rainer.ohliger%40ohlgin.de">rainer.ohliger@<wbr>ohlgin.de</a>><br>
Migration in Museums: Narratives of Diversity in Europe<br>
A Call for Conference Participation<br>
Open to museum professionals, exhibition curators, researchers from the <br>
humanities and social sciences, representatives from immigrant communities <br>
and artists.<br>
organized by<br>
Network Migration in Europe e. V.,<br>
ICOM Europe (International Council of Museums),<br>
Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaines, Dudelange (Luxemburg)<br>
in cooperation with the following six Berlin-based museums<br>
- Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen/Museum of Film and <br>
- Jüdisches Museum Berlin/Jewish Museum Berlin<br>
- Jugendmuseum Schöneberg/Youth Museum Schöneberg<br>
- Kreuzberg Museum<br>
- Museum Neukölln<br>
- Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin (Märkisches Museum)/City Museum Berlin<br>
Date: October 23-25, 2008<br>
Location: Berlin (in participating museums)<br>
The project is supported within the framework of the Berlin <br>
Questions of immigration and integration have become key issues in <br>
contemporary European intellectual and political debates. In the wake of <br>
European societies’ ongoing social and economic incorporation of millions <br>
of immigrants and refugees, questions pertaining to the cultural <br>
representation of these processes are increasingly emerging. Debates about <br>
the interconnectedness of immigration, history and memory, as well as on <br>
commemorative practices in diverse societies are gaining momentum. As a <br>
consequence, cultural institutions are challenged by rethinking and the <br>
possibility of reconceptualizing their work. This is particularly true for <br>
(historical) museums and their narratives. Museums in Europe currently <br>
encounter a threefold challenge. First, they face a new social structure of <br>
visitors: more and more people of immigrant origin have become an important <br>
target group as European societies diversify. Second, the predominant, and <br>
often prevailing, national frameworks and the national historical <br>
narratives used in historical exhibition have been questioned by <br>
immigration and the challenge it poses to national master narratives. <br>
Third, the history of immigration itself becomes a rising field for <br>
historical reflection, research and commemoration, thus diversifying the <br>
landscape of historical studies, historical exhibitions and museums.<br>
Scope and Goals of the Conference<br>
The conference will bring together museum professionals, exhibition <br>
curators, researchers from the humanities and social sciences, (cultural) <br>
representatives from immigrant communities and artists. The format will <br>
transcend the traditional format of an (academic) conference. Next to a <br>
common opening and a public concluding session, participants will <br>
intensively work in six different workshops. Each workshop comprises 10 to <br>
12 participants and will last for 1.5 days. The goal of the workshops is to <br>
initiate a European process of reflection and discussion on migration in <br>
museums in order to generate new ideas, new concepts, new narratives and <br>
new perspectives. We do not expect lengthy papers from participants, but <br>
rather short and sharp contributions for intensive discussions enabling new <br>
interpretations, which will confront established patterns of thought and <br>
practice and will enrich our imagination in the field. The minutes of the <br>
workshops will be the basis for a publication to be launched in 2009.<br>
Framework of the Conference<br>
The conference will be the concluding event for a research and interview <br>
project with immigrant artists (film makers and writers) in ten European <br>
cities (Amsterdam, Athens, Berlin, Istanbul, London, Luxemburg, Madrid, <br>
Oslo, Paris, Warsaw). The interviews will focus on the reflections of these <br>
intellectuals on history and historical narratives, be it their own life <br>
histories as immigrants, be it their reflection upon the history of their <br>
countries of origin/destination, be it European history, be it immigration <br>
history. These interviews will result in a webpage and a documentary. <br>
Moreover, the film footage is planned to work as intellectual stimulus for <br>
the conference and workshops, and it will be shown in the participating six <br>
museums from October 23 to 25. The interviewed artists will be invited to <br>
Berlin as participants in the conference and workshops.<br>
Applications for participation are welcome through the deadline of May 30, <br>
2008. Your application should include a mini essay/sketch of ideas (a max. <br>
of 600 words), a short biographical note (not more than two pages) and a <br>
list of (selected) publications, curated exhibitions or other relevant work <br>
in the field of immigration and/or museums. The essay should reflect upon <br>
and discuss the following question:<br>
"How to represent and/or exhibit diversity in Europe?"<br>
The text can be a classical mini-essay or a sketch of ideas for a cultural <br>
project in a museum or an exhibition. It can also touch upon wider <br>
questions and travel beyond the museum's walls. Versions of these essays <br>
(though not in an elaborated academic form) will serve as input statements <br>
for the workshops in order to trigger discussions.<br>
Applications will be considered on a competitive basis. In addition to 40 <br>
invited speakers, 25 to 30 places are open to respondents to this Call for <br>
Participation. Limited financial support for the participants is available <br>
to subsidize travel and accommodation expenses. It can be granted upon request.<br>
For further information, please visit the website:<br>
<a href="http://www.network-migration.org/workshop2008">http://www.network-<wbr>migration.<wbr>org/workshop2008</a><br>
or contact us via E-mail (<a href="mailto:Migration.Museums%40web.de">Migration.Museums@<wbr>web.de</a>). Applications should be <br>
sent to the given email address by May 30, 2008. The selection committee <br>
will choose and notify the participants by the end of June 2008.<br>
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