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If you can't read this Email:<br /><a href="http://www.project-synapses.eu/node/6">http://www.project-synapses.eu/node/6</a><br /><br /><img src="cid:20080902141753.6563maild0@gmx.net" alt="" /><br />
<p><strong><br />English:</strong><br />The Project Synapses is an intercultural art-project on low-budget-level. We - 15 persons from Germany/Italy and mostly students - are setting up a one month frame for processing individual and collaborative artworks in between German, Italian and Moldovan culture in Chisinau, including a final four-day-exhibition open to the public (25th to 28th of September). The working and exhibition space is the CIrcus in the centre of Chisinau in which we want to invite every interested person for an introduction to all the collaborative projects which will start with the beginning of next week. All the upcoming works aim for an artistic output but embody scientific dialogues and methods for processing the contents. Therefore the invitation for participating in those subprojects is not only going out to artists of Chisinau but students and graduates of scientific fields. <br />More information about the project you can find on our webpage <a href="http://www.project-synapses.eu/" title="www.project-synapses.eu">www.project-synapses.eu</a>. If you have any questions you can contact us through <a href="http://service.gmx.net/de/cgi/g.fcgi/mail/new?CUSTOMERNO=44390367&t=de1472125171.1220363338.9c5927f0&to=">synapses@gmx.net.</a></p>
<p><br />Friday, September 5th, 5 PM<br />Circus Chisinau, bd. Renasterii, use the Backentrance<br /></p>
<p><strong><br />Romanian:</strong><br />Proiectul Synapse este un proiect artistic intercultural cu buget restrans. Noi - 15 persoane din Germania/Italia dintre care majoritatea studenti - construim o platforma pentru realizarea lucrarilor artistice, atat individuale cat si colaborative intre cultura germana italiana si cultura moldoveana in Chisnau, ce va sfarsi intr-o expozitie de patru zile deschisa publicului larg intre 25 si 28 septembrie. Spatiul de expozitie si de lucru este Circul, din centrul Chisinaului, unde dorim sa invitam fiecare persoana interesata pentru o introducere a lucrarilor cu caracter colaborativ ce vor incepe saptamana viitoare. Toate lucrarile viitoare presupun rezultate artistice dar incorporeaza dialoguri si metode stiintifice pentru realizarea lucrarilor. Astfel invitatia pentru participarea in aceste subproiecte este gandita atat pentru artisti din Chisinau cat si pentru studenti si absolventi ai facultatilor din domenii stiintifice.</p>
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<div class="signature"><br /><br /><br />-- <br />GMX Kostenlose Spiele: Einfach online spielen und Spaß haben mit Pastry Passion!<br />http://games.entertainment.gmx.net/de/entertainment/games/free/puzzle/6169196</div></body>