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<p>PLEASE REPLY TO: <<a href="mailto:kota2023%40gmail.com">kota2023@gmail.<wbr>com</a>><br>
From: "Film Festival "Kota 2023" <<a href="mailto:kota2023%40gmail.com">kota2023@gmail.<wbr>com</a>><br>
i.e. invite the students of your university/academy/<wbr>film school, that is, <br>
the members of your club/organization, as well as all independent filmmakers <br>
to participate at the first short minimalist film festival, Kota2023, to be <br>
held in Skopje – the Republic of Macedonia. In brief, it has been conceived <br>
as a festival of films in which the idea is the crucial element. The one <br>
spanning between the ages of Plato and Hitchcock, as a parallel universe in <br>
which everyone works under the same conditions. Anyone not thinking too <br>
academically (traditionally, reservedly) or too experimentally (i.e. <br>
changing only one ingredient in the mixture), as well as too radically <br>
(revolutionary, intending to overthrow the world), and who instead prefers <br>
to deliver their message in simple (visual) elements, is welcome to take <br>
It places the films in four categories*:<br>
A Short Film (up to 30 min.)** - General<br>
A Short Film (up to 30 min.)** on the Topic Set by the Organizer<br>
A Short Film (up to 30 min.)** Centering around Sexuality (homo/bi***, <br>
loveless sex and vice versa, etc.) and the Problems It Entails<br>
A Short Animated**** Film (up to 30 min.)**<br>
* You could send all sorts of materials belonging to these categories, apart <br>
from commercials. This would involve experimental films, films shot in a <br>
single take, one-minute films, documentaries, music videos, etc...<br>
** Your film could be slightly longer, but no more than 45 minutes, i.e. <br>
half the length of an average feature film.<br>
*** In the Republic of Macedonia certain topics as homo/bisexuality are <br>
still covered by a veil of mystery, even though widely “practiced”. The <br>
purpose of this category is just that: to break the taboos and discuss them <br>
**** There are wonderful Macedonian artists, but only a handful venture in <br>
the domain of animation and no one has even attempted creating cartoons. <br>
This category represents a challenge of a sort, an attempt to create <br>
something either individually or in collaboration.<br>
The given topic, non-compulsory for the films of the first, third and fourth <br>
category (which does not mean they are not allowed to treat it), for this <br>
year is:<br>
Self-Search and Epilogue and all materials (produced in 2007, 2008 or 2009), <br>
in DVD (PAL) format, must arrive by the 15th of April 2009 at the following <br>
Film Festival "Kota 2023"<br>
Igor Spasovski<br>
P.O. Box 748, 1000 Skopje<br>
Republic of Macedonia<br>
For more information visit:<br>
Igor Spasovski<br>
P.O. Box 748<br>
1000 Skopje, Macedonia<br>
Telephone: +389 75 98 68 68<br>
Email: <a href="mailto:kota2023%40gmail.com">kota2023@gmail.<wbr>com</a>; <a href="mailto:kota2023%40hotmail.com">kota2023@hotmail.<wbr>com</a><br>
P.S. Please forward this invitation to anyone you deem would be interested <br>
to participate or are somehow involved in the art of filmmaking.<br>
----- <br>
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