<span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: collapse; ">PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR THE ENGLISH VERSION!<br><br>Spoštovani prijatelji in sodelavci,<br><br>v vednost vam pošiljamo pismo podpore češkemu umetniku Davifdu Černyju in<br>
češkemu predsedstvu za odpiranje razprave o Evropi s pomočjo sodobne<br>konceptualne umetnosti. Glede na to, da smo o svobodi umetniškega izražanja<br>in pomembni vlogi sodobne umetnostiveliko razpravljali nakonferenci "Nove<br>
paradigme, novi modeli - kultura v zunanjih EU odnosih" v Ljubljani maja<br>lani, ter da je priporočila konference podprl Evropski svet, vam peticijo<br>pošiljamo v vednost in v razmislek o podpori svobodi umetniškega izražanja<br>
v Evropi.<br><br>S prijaznimi pozdravi,<br><br>Helena Drnovšek Zorko<br>Vodja, Sektor za mednarodne odnose v kulturi<br>Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve<br>Republika Slovenija<br><br><br>Dear friends and colleagues,<br><br>please find bellow the letter of support to the artist David Cerny and the<br>
Czech presidency for opening the discussion about Europe with the work of a<br>contamporary artist. Since the freedom of expression and the important role<br>of contemporary art in a nowadays society were among the issues heavily<br>
discussed and supported also in the form of the political recommendations<br>and Council conclusions at the conference New Paradigms, New Models -<br>Culture in the EU External Relations" in Ljubljana last May, we thought you<br>
may consider supporting it or joining into discussion about pros and cons.<br>Our firm beleif is that open discussion about ourselves is essential for<br>European society.<br><br>With best regards,<br><br>stojan pelkoHead, Division for International Cultural Relations<br>
Ministry of Foreign Affairs<br>Republic of Slovenia<br>T: + 386 1 478 2302<br>F: + 386 1 478 2393</span><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: collapse; "><br><br></span><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: collapse; "><br>
Spostovani kolegi in kolegice, dragi prijatelji in prijateljice,<br><br>15. januarja 2009 so v preddverju Evropskega Sveta v Bruslju, ob uradnem<br>zacetku ceskega predsedovanja EU, odprli razstavo »Entropa«, ceskega<br>konceptualnega umetnika Davida Cernyja. Zajetna skulptura-instalacija,<br>
prikazuje drzave Evropske unije, kot razmetane puzzle, igrajoč se obenem s<br>stereotipi, ki spremljajo vsako med njimi. Vsaka drzava je prikazana na<br>specificen (ironicen) nacin, vecjo pozornost pa je izzvala Bolgarija, ki je<br>
uradno zahtevala, naj se skulptura umakne, saj je Bolgarija predstavljena v<br>podobi »turskega stranisca«.<br><br>Tovrstni posegi uradne politike v svobodo umetniskega izrazanja so<br>nesprejemljivi, zato odločno protestiramo ter podpiramo umetnika in cesko<br>
predsedstvo EU, ki tovrstnim pritiskom (vsaj zaenkrat) ni podleglo. Na tej<br>povezavi: <a href="http://www.ljudmila.org/~peticija/index.php?page=petition&id=3" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(42, 93, 176); ">http://www.ljudmila.org/~peticija/index.php?page=petition&id=3</a>,<br>
najdete pismo podpore, ki ga na enostaven način lahko podpisete.<br><br>Pobudniki peticije:<br><br>Mirovni institut – institut za sodobne druzbene in politicne studije,<br>Ljubljana<br>Galerija Alkatraz, Ljubljana<br>Galerija Skuc, Ljubljana<br>
<br>//////////<br><br>Dear colleges and friends,<br><br>The artwork "Entropa" by conceptual artist David Cerny has been exhibited<br>on the premises of the European Council in Brussels since 15 January 2009<br>to mark the beginning of the Czech Republic's six-month presidency of the<br>
European Union. His installation-work aimed to provoke via an artistic<br>depiction of the clichés about the various European countries. EU space is<br>represented as a sculpture – puzzle composed of twenty-seven 3D maps of the<br>
European Union's members, each of them invoking and playing with a<br>stereotype of the respective nation, answering in an artistic way to the<br>Czech Republic's EU Presidency's official motto "Europe without Barriers".<br>
In that sense, Bulgaria is depicted as a "Turkish toilet", which major<br>Bulgarian institutions and media found deeply insulting and Bulgarian<br>authorities requested that the installation should be removed.<br>
<br>We protest against any ideologically motivated pressures to an artwork.<br>With this initiative we would like to give support both to the artist David<br>Cerny, who wanted to find out if Europe is able to laugh at itself and<br>
Czech Republic's EU presidency, as the EU should not be the place for<br>censorship and political pressures.<br><br>On this link:<br><a href="http://www.ljudmila.org/~peticija/index.php?page=petition&id=3" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(42, 93, 176); ">http://www.ljudmila.org/~peticija/index.php?page=petition&id=3</a> you can find<br>
a letter of support which you can easily sign.<br><br>Initiators of the petition:<br><br>The Peace Institute – Institute for contemporary social and political<br>studies, Ljubljana<br>Gallery Alkatraz, Ljubljana<br>Gallery Skuc, Ljubljana</span><br>