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June 9, 2009 </td>
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<h1 style="margin: 0 0 15px 0; font-size: 25px; line-height: 1.2;">Call for applications for PhDArts, PhD programme in visual art and design</h1>
<b>Call for applications for PhDArts, PhD programme in visual art and design</b><br />
<i>Research in and through artistic practice</i><br />
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<b>Application Deadline:</b> October 31th, 2009 or April 30st, 2010<br />
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<a href="http://www.phdarts.eu/">http://www.phdarts.eu/</a><br />
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<b>PhDArts</b> offers an international, high-level doctorate in visual arts and design. Each doctoral course of study comprises individual research as well as a doctoral study programme. An appropriate team of supervisors and a suitable research environment is sought for each doctoral candidate. <br />
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PhDArts is a collaboration between the Leiden University Academy of Creative and Performing Arts and the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague. For parts of the PhD programme they also collaborate with the Institute for Practice-Based Research in the Arts of the K.U.Leuven. <br />
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In research in and through artistic practice, the concepts of knowledge, meaning and sense are closely interwoven. The discursive, verbal component of research is important in gaining insight into and examining this knowledge. Research in art is characterized by interaction with artistic practice: it is an inseparable part of the work of the artist. With research in art (as opposed to research about art, such as art history, for instance) there is no set goal or expected result, any more than there are predetermined general procedures. The outcome of the research is completely open. This openness is a condition for conducting research in art and design.<br />
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The PhD student's research is the direct extension of his or her art practice. The outcome is therefore an artistic product, combined with a discursive product, the dissertation, which does justice to the artistic one. <br />
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The doctoral study programme is supplemental to the supervision of individual research. The programme consists of six half-day sessions and two workshops, each lasting two weeks, per year.<br />
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The candidates are expected to attend the half-day sessions throughout the entire duration of their doctoral study and to attend at least four two-week seminars over the course of their doctoral research period. <br />
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<b>Admission and deadlines of application</b><br />
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Prospective PhD candidates can submit an application to the Leiden University Academy of Creative and Performing Arts or the Royal Academy of Arts (KABK) in The Hague. <br />
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The entrance examination comprises:<br />
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• An assessment of the applicant's portfolio of work and research dossier. These must be submitted before April 30th or October 31st.<br />
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• A visit to a studio or exhibition and an interview. This takes place in the months of June and January.<br />
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Applicants must have a Master's of Arts Degree or proof of study at a comparable level. The final decision on admission rests with the Leiden University, which will also award the PhD. <br />
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<b>The research dossier</b><br />
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Applicants must put together a research dossier for their entrance exam. A form for this is provided on the website: <a href="http://www.phdarts.eu/">http://www.phdarts.eu/</a><br />
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<b>All information on</b> <a href="http://www.phdarts.eu">http://www.phdarts.eu</a><br />
<br />
<br />
<b>Leiden University<br />
Academy of Creative and Performing Arts</b><br />
Rapenburg 38<br />
2311 EX Leiden<br />
The Netherlands<br />
<br />
<b>KABK - Royal Academy of Art</b><br />
Department of artist's theories and artistic practice<br />
Prinsessegracht 4<br />
2514 AN The Hague<br />
The Netherlands<br />
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