[oberlist] EaP# grant/edu: Scholarships for Eastern Partnerships - Visegrad Fund

ober at emdash.org ober at emdash.org
Wed Dec 19 00:17:46 CET 2012

Scholarships for Eastern Partnerships - Visegrad Fund

Scholarships for EaP are an exten­sion of the exist­ing In-Coming scheme
of the Visegrad Scholarship Program financ­ing indi­vid­ual mobil­ity of
EaP schol­ars (cit­i­zens of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia,
Moldova or Ukraine) to pur­sue study or research stays at accredited
pub­lic or pri­vate col­leges or uni­ver­si­ties in the V4 countries.

Successful appli­cants within this scheme will receive schol­ar­ships of
€2,300/semester and the cor­re­spond­ing host universities/institutes
receive €1,500/semester/scholar. Scholars who will have to travel to the
host insti­tu­tion more than 1,500 km are also eli­gi­ble for one-time

The scheme includes travel grants.

Deadline: 31 January 2013.

Find all the details online: http://visegradfund.org/v4eap/scholarships-eap/


The International Visegrad Fund is an inter­na­tional orga­ni­za­tion
based in Bratislava founded by the gov­ern­ments of the Visegrad Group
(V4) countries—the Czech Republic, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic
of Poland, and the Slovak Republic—in Štiřín, Czech Republic, on June
9, 2000.

The pur­pose of the Fund is to facil­i­tate and pro­mote the devel­op­ment
of closer coop­er­a­tion among V4 coun­tries (and of V4 coun­tries with
other coun­tries, espe­cially but not exclu­sively non-EU mem­ber states
in Eastern Europe, the Western Balkans and the South Caucasus) through
grant sup­port of com­mon cul­tural, sci­en­tific and edu­ca­tional
projects, youth exchanges, cross-border projects and tourism pro­mo­tion,
and through indi­vid­ual mobil­ity pro­grams (schol­ar­ships,


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