[oberlist] NO* evnt/conf: All that is banned is desired - A World Conference on Artistic Freedom of Expression
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Wed Jul 25 01:48:40 CEST 2012
All that is banned is desired - A World Conference on Artistic Freedom of
Over the two days of ‘All That is Banned is Desired’ – A World Conference
on Artistic Freedom of Expression (Oslo, Norway, 25-26 October), artists,
journalists, activists, scholars, curators and others will respond to
censorship of the arts around the world.
We will discuss and investigate why, where, and how artistic expressions
is condemned, banned and persecuted. In particular, we will focus on the
three principal agents of censorship — religion, state and market.
Although the effects of censorship can be easily identified in cases where
artists are imprisoned or killed, the social and economic repercussions of
censorship are more difficult to measure. A culture deprived of its
artistic creations and cultural heritage clearly loses an important link
to its history and identity.
Cultural artefacts carry with them the power to influence the minds and
motivations of the masses and with it, the power to divert people from an
awareness of and compliance with the normative behaviours of a society, as
dictated by religious and political ideologies. The control of culture is
thus a major concern for both clerics and politicians.
But where religion and state decline in importance in the control of
artistic expression, another censor appears quite ready to step in to fill
the censorial void — namely the market. And there is no guarantee that it
will prove to be any less censorious than its religious and political
Censorship is characterized by the contradictory fact that by imposing
limits it provokes reactions to those limits. By limiting freedom it helps
fuels the desire for even greater freedom, as the title of the conference
evokes: ‘All that is banned is desired’.
In many ways, the power of nation-states to carry out censorship is being
undermined as global communication networks expand and international trade
barriers crumble. This means that it is becoming increasingly difficult
for governments to control what their citizens have access to; however,
history suggests that nation-states will be reluctant to relinquish
Conference participants will be invited to debate these and other concerns
in relation to specific cases. These cases will be drawn from a wide range
of conditions and contexts and will include some that are well known and
others that are known to only a few. In addition to deepening our
understanding of the fundamental propositions of freedom of expression,
the conference will also work toward proposals for monitoring censorship
globally, and organising to advance freedom of expression for artists
around the world.
Find all the information and register (for free) to attend on the
conference website.
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
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