[oberlist] FR* grant/edu: Postgraduate art - Ecole nationale des beaux-arts (ENBA)
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Sat May 5 18:37:25 CEST 2012
Lyon, France
perioada: 2012-2013
Ecole nationale des beaux-arts (ENBA)
Postgraduate art
Call for Applications
In addition to its graduate courses, the ENSBA offers a one-year,
Postgraduate programme with an international orientation, for a small
group of student-researchers who have acquired at least a DNSEP or a
Master’s degree.
In 1999, ENSBA, convinced that the singularity of an art school depends,
among other things, on its freedom to reinvent itself and fully assume its
role of transmission, decided to set up a postgraduate course program for
a selected group of five young artists from different geographical
backgrounds, already actively engaged in an art practice. During this
yearlong program they are invited to pursue their work and will be given
full access to the school’s facilities and studios. The development of
individual work will be nourished through constant critical interaction,
the creation of a collective project and opportunities for travel.
It is an articulation of elements that are too often kept separate:
education and professionalism, the protected environment of the school and
exposure to the world. The postgraduate program offers and involves a
social experience based on openness to the exterior, which hopefully
creates a certain form of destabilization.
Foreign travel, within and outside of Europe, will lead the group to meet
many artists and art professionals, to analyze many exhibitions and
artistic events, and observe, at the scale of a city, the conditions,
needs and that which fuels an artistic scene.
The Postgraduate programme of the Ecole Nationale Superieure des
Beaux-Arts, Lyon is accessible to international candidates.
All visual arts practices are welcome, including but not limited to
painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, installation, video, sound,
Material conditions
- The successful candidates each receive a grant of 4,000 Euros, paid in
two instalments.
- collective accommodation is offered to candidates in Lyon. In other
places, accommodation possibilities will be proposed.
The required languages are English and French. Applicants must have
sufficient knowledge of these languages, exchanges taking place in both
The Postgraduate programme of Ensba Lyon is a program which is independent
of the university system: it does not issue a qualification, any diploma
or ECTS credits.
A certificate of participation and attendance is issued to participants.
The following documents must be enclosed to this application document
(duplex printing), wrinting in French or English:
(important: make sure that your first and surname are at the top of all
your documents)
• a letter of motivation
The cover letter addressed to the jury’s post-graduate explains the
motivation for a program of research, meetings and residency. It
emphasises what in your studies, your experience, and your personal
research makes you inclined to be interested in this program. It mentions
your personal project, which justifies your candidature to this
professional trainin program.
• a recommendation letter
The recommender identifies himself and indicates his relationship with the
Second, it indicates what specifically distinguishes the person and the work.
The last part of the letter indicates why and how the candidate will
benefit from the ENSBA Lyon’s Post-graduate program.
• a documentation on the candidate’s work evolution and recent works
(please write your name on each part of the documentation) on paper, CD
rom and/or DVD. Caution: Do not send original documents. Make a selection:
send any representative of the work and would prefer some extract if the
video clips or sound pieces are longs.
• an analytic presentation of the evolution of your approach (max. 1500
typed characters)
• a printed CV with copies of obtained degrees
Il you are currently completing your final dgree year (equivalent of the
Master 2 Degree or a French DNSEP diploma), please ensure that you enclose
a certificate that makes mention of your current studies and level. If you
are selected by our jury for the Postgraduate program, you will be fully
elligible only after successfully obtaining your degree. In this case, you
must send a copy of yourr degree certificate.
• a stamped self-addressed envelope for return of documentation to
unsuccessful applicants (otherwise no documentation will be returned)
The Ensba Lyon will not be held responsible for loss during shipment or
damage caused during the examination.
Only complete applications are considered.
We ask the candidates to send an application both printed on A4 paper + a
PDF version on a digital support. We will not accept applications only on
digital support; all must be both on paper and PDF.
Participation conditions: the Ensba Lyon won’t be responsible for
potential travel expenses. But a first contact may be possible by phone or
by skype.
All documents must be sent to the postal address below.
data limita: 25/05/12 - postmark
École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Lyon, Post-diplôme Art
Elise Chaney
8b quai St Vincent
69001 Lyon
elise.chaney at enba-lyon.net
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