[oberlist] RO* evnt/expo: Serii. Multiplii. Realisme. - - - Series. Multiples. Realisms.

nicu ilfoveanu nicu at ilfo.ro
Wed Oct 17 21:38:58 CEST 2012

- - - scroll down for English version - - -

Serii. Multiplii. Realisme.


Muzeul Taranului Roman, Bucuresti
19 - 28 Octombrie 2012  //  sala Scoala Satului

un proiect de: Nicu Ilfoveanu
curator: Alina Serban

vernisaj: vineri, 19 Octombrie, ora 17.30
joi 25 Octombrie, intre orele 17.00 si 18.00 tur al expozitiei in  
prezenta artistului si curatorului

Nicu Ilfoveanu, "Vericolor", © 2009

Obiect de istorie, de amintire, de simbol, dar cel mai adesea, astazi,  
de marcaj geografic, monumentul de for public este de fapt un  
recipient al trasaturilor, complexelor si fascinatiilor colective.  
Corespondentele intime pe care le stabileste cu diversele configuratii  
ale sferei publice si ale locului in care se afla creeaza practic o  
noua istorie – una pe care monumentul o spune de fiecare data altfel  
si altor oameni. Sensul invizibil al acestui artefact il transforma  
fie intr-un spatiu de comunicare si interactiune al valorilor comune,  
fie intr-unul de rezistenta impotriva unor forme de colonizare si  
postulare a unei identitati monolite. Ca agenti circumstantiali,  
monumentele publice devin teritorii de coexistenta a diferite  
marturii, traume si realitati cotidiene.

Serii.Multiplii.Realisme. isi indreapta atentia asupra construirii  
unei serii fotografice avand ca subiect monumentele publice ridicate  
in amintirea Primului Razboi Mondial in mediul rural. In peisajul  
taciturn al acestor sate este surprins profilul fragil al soldatilor,  
eroi cunoscuti, dezvaluind nu doar o experienta istorica comuna, ci si  
un univers supus in ultimii ani unor transformari radicale. Aparent  
detasate de fundalul lor, viata acestor personaje stinghere ofera  
trecatorului o incursiune intr-o practica sociala colectiva.  
Straturile acestei practici activeaza, dincolo de uitare si resemnare  
cotidiana, forme aparte de reprezentare a sferei nationalului si de  
interpretare a discursului public.

Demersul lui Nicu Ilfoveanu este de a destabiliza retorica  
traditionala ce insoteşte naratiunea acestor monumente, propunand o  
alternativa de lucru si citire. Exista un numitor comun al acestor  
imagini, si anume o relatie intima cu spatiul, cu teritoriul viu al  
satului, devenit instrumentul unor proiectii colective. Afinitatea cu  
acest peisaj reintareste pentru fiecare comunitate prezenta unor  
ritualuri si istorii care construiesc intr-un mod subiectiv identitati  
nationale. Nu in ultimul rand, proiectul lui Nicu Ilfoveanu permite o  
observare a mirajului comemorarii, a mortii si a orizonturilor de  
reprezentare publica, urmarind perceptia acestor monumente la nivel  
local atunci, cand au fost construite, si acum, in prezent.

Expozitia se constituie in formula unei instalatii de fotografie, dia- 
proiectie si obiect (Vlad Gherghiceanu) si este insotita de o  
publicatie bilingva cu contributii de Claude Karnoouh (sociolog si  
antropolog francez), Gheorghe Negustor (doctorand Facultatea de  
Istorie, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj) si Nikolai Vukov (profesor  
asociat la Institutul de Studii de Etnologie si Folclor, Sofia).

Proiect cultural finantat de Administratia Fondului Cultural National
Parteneri: Muzeul National al Taranului Roman, Muzeul National  
Militar, Square Media, Asociatia pepluspatru
Cu sprijinul: Liliana & Peter Ilica Foundation for the Endowment of  
the Arts

An object of history, memory, symbol, but most often today, of  
geographical marking, the public forum monument is, in fact, a  
recipient of collective features, complexes and fascinations. The  
intimate correspondences established by it with the various  
configurations of the public sphere and of the place in which it is  
located are virtually creating a new history- one told by the monument  
in a different manner and to different people each and every time. The  
invisible meaning of such an artifact is turning it either into a  
space for mutual values to communicate and interact with each other,  
or into a space of resistance against the forms of colonizing and  
postulating a monolithic identity. As circumstantial agents, public  
monuments become territories tagged by the coexistence of various  
testimonies, traumas and daily realities.

The work Serii.Multiplii.Realisme. Series. Multiples. Realisms. is  
focusing on the construction of a photographic series dealing with the  
public monuments created in memory of World War I in the rural  
environment. In the quiet landscape of these villages, a fragile  
profile of the soldiers as known heroes is captured, disclosing not  
only a mutual historical experience, but also a universe that formed  
the object of radical transformations in the last years. Apparently  
disconnected from their background, the lives of these lonely  
characters provide the passer-by with an incursion into a collective  
social practice. The layers of such practice are activating, beyond  
the daily resignation and oblivion, sui generisshapes in which the  
sphere of the national is represented, and the public discourse is  

Nicu Ilfoveanu’s approach is to destabilize the traditional rhetoric  
accompanying the narration of these monuments, while he proposes a  
working and reading alternative. There is a common denominator for  
these images, namely an intimate relationship with space, with the  
living territory of the village, which has become the instrument of  
collective projections. The affinity with this landscape is, for each  
community, strengthening the presence of certain rituals and histories  
which are subjectively constructing national identities. Last, but not  
least, Nicu Ilfoveanu’s project allows an observation of the mirage  
represented by commemoration, death and public representation  
horizons, following the perception of these monuments at the local  
level then, when they were built and now, in the present.

The exhibition is designed as three channel dia-installation, Super 8  
loop projection, object by Vlad Gherghiceanu and is accompanied by a  
bilingual publication with contributions by Claude Karnoouh (French  
sociologist and anthropologist), Gheorghe Negustor (PhD Faculty of  
History, University Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj) and Nikolai Vukov  
(Associate Proffesor at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore  
Studies, Sofia)

project financed by AFCN
partners: National Museum of the Romanian Peasant, National Military  
Museum, Square Media, pepluspatru Association
with the kind support of Liliana & Peter Ilica Foundation for the  
Endowment of the Arts

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