[oberlist] FW: Call for text and image. Apel pentru text si imagine (DOSAR #1 “spatii top secret” / FILE #1 “top secret places”)

US Vladimir us_v at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 12 21:35:55 CEST 2013

-- artist&curator
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Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 21:36:17 +0300
Subject: Fwd: Call for text and image. Apel pentru text si imagine.
From: megatronorama at gmail.com
To: us_v at hotmail.com


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "tam tam" <tamtamfiling at gmail.com>
Date: Aug 9, 2013 7:16 PM
Subject: Fwd: Call for text and image. Apel pentru text si imagine.

To: "Stefan Tiron" <megatronorama at gmail.com>

Please scroll down for english

Apel pentru text si imagine.

Trimiteți la DOSAR #1   “spatii top secret”


Pentru acest dosar trimiteți planuri, planșe, schițe, text,
diagrame de spatii top secret pentru sedii imaginare de laboratoare biohazard,
baze de antrenament, flotation tanks, adăposturi, John C. Lilly tanks, REST
tanks, sensory attenuation tanks, bunkere și think tanks.

Batman avea o peșteră, Ali Baba avea peștera lui, Nemo avea
Insula Misterioasă, Darth Vader avea Steaua Morții, Dexter avea laboratorul lui
super secret, Țestoasele Mutante Ninja aveau canalizări și tunele, corporațiile
de azi folosesc death tanks pentru a-și relaxa radical și complet angajații.
Așteptăm propunerile voastre desecretizate.

Data limită de depunere la dosar: 23 octombrie ora 5

Aplicatiile se primesc la adresa:  tamtamfiling(at)gmail.com

Detalii tehnice

Grafica să fie în format 200 x 200 mm

Rezoluție minim 300 dpi


Sau textul sa fie de maximum 300 de cuvinte

Dosarul va fi imprimat parțial serigrafic

Numărul de Dosar este limitat ~ 100 exemplare

Participanții au exemplarul lor rezervat, va rugam in
aplicatie sa includeti si o adresa unde se poate trimite dosarul.

Va rugam distribuiti si prietenilor

Spor la treaba!

Echipa Tamtam.

Call for FILE #1    “top
secret places”


We would like to invite you to participate with plans,
diagrams, text, hidden interstitial spaces, blueprints of top secret
headquarters of imaginary biohazard high security labs, special training
centres, flotation tanks, shetlers, John C. Lilly tanks, REST tanks, sensory
attenuation tanks, bunkers and think tanks.

Batman had his cave, Ali Baba also had his cave, Captain
Nemo had his Mysterious Island base, Darth Vader had the Death Star, Dexter had
its super secret lab, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had their city sewer and
tunnel systems, corporation use death tanks for a complete relaxation of their
employees. We are waiting your own homespun versions and detailed proposals.

Application date limit: 23 October, 5 o'clock in the morning

Send your applications to: tamtamfiling(at)gmail.com

Technical requirements

The graphics should be 200 x 200 mm

300 dpi


The text should be maximum 300 words

The Dossier will be partially silkscreen printed  

Limited edition ~ 100

Every participant will receive his own copy, please include your
address in the application where we can send you the file.

Please share this whith your friends.

Good luck with your work!

Tamtam team.

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