[oberlist] i_workshop
Dumitru Marian
d.marian at altfilm.md
Tue Feb 12 17:10:17 CET 2013
Dragi colegi,
aveti mai jos un anunt interesand pentru tineri interesati de filmul
Chiar daca e cu taxa, sunt disponibile 6 burse (la un total de 20 de
participanti selectati!)
Citi. Aplicati. Transmiteti si altor!
Dear Mr Marian,
we are pleased to inform you about a newly established MEDIA training
programme on interactive and transmedia documentaries.
We are confident that it may be of interest and we thank you in advance for
its dissemination.
The Laboratory of Visual Culture of the University of Applied Sciences and
Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), in association with Visions du Réel
International Film Festival / Doc Outlook-International Market (DOCM) are
pleased to announce the first edition of its residential workshop “i_doc: a
project development programme for expanded documentaries”, to be held in
Nyon (Switzerland) from the 18th to the 22nd of April 2013.
The i_doc workshop is one of the very few new training programmes selected
in 2013 by European Union’s MEDIA Programme to support audiovisual
professionals in the development of innovative and competitive projects. The
2013 i_doc workshop aims to enabling European professionals to seize some
opportunities and challenges of the currently unfolding audiovisual trends
by equipping its participants with precise, comprehensive and practical
skills and knowledge in developing, producing, financing and distributing
interactive documentaries and transmedia nonfiction projects.
Through lectures, case-study presentations and panels with established
authors, producers and notable interaction design pioneers, the participants
will become familiar with the new challenges and opportunities that digital
storytelling is promoting into the film and audiovisual creative industry.
The workshop is also project-oriented: over the five-day workshop
participants enrolled with a project will apply the skills and methods while
they are learning them in the practical development of a working-concept for
a nonfiction project developing a non-linear storytelling and intending to
integrate extensively, at different stages of the project, the new potential
of digital technologies, an active user participation, and a transmedia
approach across multiple media, in particular through the web, tablet
computers or other mobile devices.
The workshop runs parallel to the DOCM at Visions du Réel which takes place
from the 19th to 26th of April., 2013 at Nyon. The i_doc workshop’s panel
and the final public pitch session will take place as part of the DOCM
activities. Also, the workshop participants are invited to attend other DOCM
and Festival events, see website www.visionsdureel.ch.
The workshop is open to 20 participants (10 with projects – also in team –
and 10 observers) and targets scriptwriters, filmmakers, directors,
producers, new media content creators, advertising executives,
video-journalists and interaction designers.
Applications are to be submitted by Friday, 8 March, 2013 using the
workshop’s web-based application form: www.idoc.supsi.ch.
Please do not hesitate to contact me in case of any additional information
you may need and find enclosed the press release.
Best regards,
Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana
Dipartimento ambiente costruzioni e design
Laboratorio cultura visiva
Elisabetta Lazzaroni
Collaboratrice Amministrativa
Campus Trevano
CH-6952 Canobbio
T +41 (0)58 666 62 81
F +41 (0)58 666 63 09
<mailto:luca.morici at supsi.ch> elisabetta.lazzaroni at supsi.ch
<http://www.supsi.ch> www.supsi.ch
Dumitru Marian
Film Producer
(+373) 69380562
www.altfilm.md <http://www.altfilm.md/>
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