[oberlist] BADco. // RADIONICA / WORKSHOP Christine Gaigg // 06.12.2013 @ mama, Zagreb

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Sun Nov 24 12:47:05 CET 2013

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BADco. vas poziva da se prijavite na koreografsku radionicu renomirane
austrijske koreografkinje Christine Gaigg!

*Kadar po kadar*

06.12.2013. 10:30-16:30 @ klub za net.kulturu mama, Preradoviceva 18

U razvijanju koreografije "DeSacre!" (2013.), doku-izvedbe koji suocava "Le
Sacre du Printemps" (1913.) Stravinskog i Nizinskog s umjetnickom akcijom
kolektiva Pussy Riot u moskovskoj Katedrali Krista Spasitelja (2012.),
Christine Gaigg koristi metodu ponovne izvedbe (re-enactment) i
kinematografske analize. Radionica detaljno rasclanjuje koreografiju
"DeSacre!" kao i neke druge primjere deriviranja koreografije iz filmske i
video analize kako bi polaznici stekli uvid u metodu koju je tijekom
proteklih deset godina Gaigg razvila u suradnji s kompozitorom Bernhardom
Langom. Njihova loop-gramatika ispreplice glazbu i ples na osnovi razlike i
repeticije, te je derivirana iz eksperimentalnog filma i videa. Primjeri
njihovih radova razvijenih ovom metodom su "TRIKE-Series" (2004-2012.) i
"Maschinenhalle#1" (2010.), a oba rada konceptualno integriraju tehnoloska
rjesenja. Smjernica radionice je analiticko oko: oko koje prati pokret
posredstvom vizualnih medija i prenosi to znanje u polje plesa i

Christine Gaigg je koreografkinja koja zivi i radi u Becu. Studirala je
filozofiju i lingvistiku na Sveucilistu u Becu, te ples i koreografiju na
School for New Dance Development u Amsterdamu. Kroz kompaniju CHRISTINE
GAIGG/2nd nature suradjuje s plesacima, skladateljima, piscima i filmskim
redateljima. Kao Evropska urednica suradjivala je s casopisom Performance
Research (1995-2001.), predaje studije izvedbe na Sveucilistima u Becu i
Hamburgu, te pise o filmu i izvedbenim umjetnostima.

Vise informacija: www.2ndnature.at

Radionica je namijenjena plesnim profesionalcima i onima koji zele iskusiti
i reflektirati proces nastajanja koreografije.

Sudjelovanje na radionici je besplatno. Prijavite se do 29.11.2013. na
lovro at badco.hr

Radionica se odvija u sklopu Salona #3, javnog dogadjanja LABO21 - Evropske
platforme za interdisciplinarna istrazivanja umjetnickih metodologija
partnera BADco. (Zagreb), Random Dance (London), Troubleyn (Antwerp) i
International Choreographic Arts Centre (Amsterdam). Platforma LABO21 je
podrzana od programa Kultura Evropske zajednice.

Christine Gaigg ce u sklopu Salona #3 odrzati javnu prezentaciju svog rada
u cetvrtak 05.12.2013. u 18:00 u klubu za net.kulturu mama, Preradoviceva
18, Zagreb.


BADco. invites you to take part in a choreographic workshop with renown
Austrian choreographer Christine Gaigg!

*Frame by frame*

06.12.2013. 10:30-16:30 @ net.culture club mama, Preradoviceva 18, Zagreb

In "DeSacre!" (2013), a docu-performance that brings together quotes of
Stravinsky’s and Nijinsky’s "Le Sacre du Printemps" of 1913 and the
artistic action of Pussy Riot in Moscow’s Cathedral Christ the Saviour
2012, Christine Gaigg uses methods of re-enactment and film-analysis. A
close reading of this piece is at the heart of the workshop. As another
example of deriving choreography from film- and video-analysis she will use
samples of her work to offer insight into a method which over the last ten
years Gaigg has developed together with composer Bernhard Lang. Their
loop-grammar intertwines music and dance on the grounds of difference and
repetition and is derived at great length from experimental film and video.
Examples of this body of work are the "TRIKE-Series" (2004-2012) and
"Maschinenhalle#1" (2010), with the conceptual integration of technology.
The guideline of the workshop is the analytical eye: tracing movement with
visual media and using this knowledge for dance and choreography.

Christine Gaigg is a freelance choreographer based in Vienna. She studied
philosophy and linguistics at the University of Vienna and dance and
choreography at the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam. Under
the label CHRISTINE GAIGG/2nd nature she works in collaboration with
dancers, composers, writers and filmmakers. She has been European Editor of
the magazine Performance Research (1995-2001), and is teaching Performance
Studies at the Universities of Vienna and Hamburg and writing on film and

More information: www.2ndnature.at

The workshop is for dance professionals and those who wish to experience
and reflect on the process of creating a choreography.

Participation is free of charge. Apply by 29.11.2013 to:
lovro at badco.hr

The workshop takes place in the framework of Salon#3, a public event of
LABO21 - European Platform for Interdisciplinary Research on Artistic
Methodologies, a partner project of BADco. (Zagreb), Random Dance (London),
Troubleyn (Antwerp) and International Choreographic Arts Centre
(Amsterdam). With the support of the Culture Programme of the European

Christine Gaigg will take part in Salon #3 with a public presentation of
her work on Thursday 05.12.2013 at 18:00 at the net.culture club mama,
Preradoviceva 18, Zagreb.




badco at badco.hr


BADco. podrzali / BADco. is supported by:

Gradski ured za kulturu Grada Zagreba
City Office for Culture Zagreb

Ministarstvo kulture RH
Ministry of Culture, Croatia


BADco. je suorganizator LABO21 - Evropske platforme za interdisciplinarna
istrazivanja umjetnickih metodologija partnera BADco. (Zagreb), Random
Dance (London), Troubleyn (Antwerp) i
International Choreographic Arts Centre (Amsterdam). Platforma LABO21 je
podrzana od programa Kultura Evropske zajednice.

BADco. is co-organizer of LABO21 - European Platform for Interdisciplinary
Research on Artistic Methodologies, a partner project of BADco. (Zagreb),
Random Dance (London), Troubleyn (Antwerp)
and International Choreographic Arts Centre (Amsterdam). With the support
of the Culture Programme of the European Union.


BADco. je koordinator platforme TIMeSCAPES, slike i izvedbe vremena u
kasnom kapitalizmu partnera BADco. (Zagreb), Maska (Ljubljana), Science
Communications Research (Bec), Teorija koja hoda - TkH (Beograd) i
Film-protufilm (Zagreb). Platforma TIMeSCAPES je podrzana od programa
Kultura Evropske zajednice.

BADco. is coordinator of TIMeSCAPES, Images and performances of time in
late capitalism, a partner project of BADco. (Zagreb), Maska (Ljubljana),
Science Communications Research (Vienna), Walking Theory (Belgrade) and
Film-protufilm (Zagreb). With the support of the Culture Programme of the
European Union.


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