[oberlist] TranzitCAFE se deschide pe 8 aprilie. / TranzitCAFE - opening on the 8th of April.

Daniela Palimariu daniela at danielapalimariu.ro
Sun Apr 6 20:19:45 CEST 2014

*[English version below]*

 *TranzitCAFE* – un proiect de Daniela Palimariu, design de Atelier Brut
8-30 aprilie 2014

Vernisaj: *8 aprilie 2014*, orele 18:00

 Program de vizitare: de miercuri pana sambata, intre orele 15:00-19:00.

tranzit. ro/ Bucuresti, Str. Gazelei, nr. 44, sector 4

 TranzitCAFE va invita pentru trei saptamani de evenimente create pentru a
redescoperi permacultura intr-un sens personal si social. Vor fi amestecate
categorii de specii, vor fi explorate intersectiile dintre teritorii si vor
fi identificate contacte potential daunatoare. In stransa legatura cu
gradina comunitara din curte (Gradina Tranzit), TranzitCAFE e conceputa
pentru a deveni un loc de intalnire, un spatiu de lucru, un loc pentru
scenarii subtile si o bucatarie simpla dar deschisa oricui. Vizitatorii
sunt invitati sa vina cu indemanari, idei sau un surplus de produse pentru
a le imparti cu ceilalti.

Cafeneaua a fost prima data deschisa in 2012 sub numele CAFE35 (la
Atelier35, cu sprijinul lui Alice Gancevici), unde a propus o alternativa
discreta la gentrificarea agresiva din zona. O parte din mobilierul de
atunci – de asemenea realizat de Atelier Brut – va fi acum readus spre

Pe durata programului TranzitCAFE sunteti invitati la trei seri tematice,
in cadrul carora puteti testa diferite roluri pe care, poate, pana acum nu
ati avut ocazia sa le incercati. Pastrand in minte legatura vie cu Gradina
Tranzit, aceste evenimente sunt intalnirile ale caror scop se lasa
descoperit pe parcurs si pe care, uneori, spatiile artistice au ocazia de a
le gazdui.

 *Menta este o planta exhibitionista si invaziva.*
*Sambata, 12 aprilie*, intre orele 15:00-18:00.
La acest eveniment va rugam sa aduceti un ingredient ce poate fi folosit
intr-o salata.

 *Rosiile si cartofii au intentia si capacitatea de a se sabota reciproc. *
*Vineri, 25 aprilie*, intre orele 15:00-18:00.
La acest eveniment va rugam sa aduceti un ingredient ce poate fi gatit in
aer liber.

 *Balul Florilor (*sau* Petunia e o capcana)*
*Miercuri, 30 aprilie*, de la orele 19.00.
Acesta va fi si evenimentul de inchidere pentru TranzitCAFE.

In afara acestor evenimente, puteti petrece timp in cafenea, considerand-o
un spatiu de lucru, de intalniri sau de relaxare. In fiecare saptamana,
cate o selectie de 10 carti din biblioteca va fi disponibila pentru
consultare in spatiul cafenelei. Aveti la dispozitie ceai, cafea, acces la
internet si fise de observatie pe care le puteti completa pentru o
intelegere detaliata a spatiului din TranzitCAFE si din jur.

Daniela Palimariu (n. 1986, Iasi) locuieste momentan in Bucuresti, unde
dezvolta o serie de evenimente sociale ce variaza intre public si privat.
Impreuna cu instalatiile si obiectele create in paralel, acestea cauta
momente de ambiguitate in relatiile umane, creeaza dovezi ale spatiului
personal si urmeaza inclinatii pentru subversivitate subtila. Din 2012
coordoneaza SALON VIDEO, o platforma de promovare si experiment pentru arta

danielapalimariu.ro <http://danielapalimariu.ro/#_blank>

Atelier Brut este proiectul de design al scenografului Andrei Dinu, fondat
in 2010. Atelier creeaza mobilier realizat din materiale reciclate, precum
si design de expozitii. Intre altele, Atelier Brut a realizat biblioteca
spatiului tranzit. ro/ Bucuresti precum si designul unora dintre
expozitiile care au avut loc aici.


Multumiri: Dan Basu, Vlad Basalici, Eduard Constantin si Simion Constantin.

Informatii suplimentare:

raluca.voinea at tranzit.org
Tel.: 031 4382271
Mobil: 0728 503012


Fundatia ERSTE este partenerul principal al tranzit. ro.

TranzitCAFÉ – a project by Daniela Pălimariu, design by Atelier Brut
8-30 April 2014
Opening: 8 April 2014, 6 pm
Visiting programme: from Wednesday to Saturday, from 3 to 7 pm
tranzit.ro/ București, Str. Gazelei, nr. 44, sector 4

Tranzit CAFÉ welcomes you in for three weeks of events created for the
rediscovery of permaculture in a personal and social way. Species will be
mingled, crossings between territories will be sought after, potentially
harmful contacts will be identified. In close relation to the community
garden outside (Tranzit Garden), the CAFÉ is designed to be a meeting spot,
a working desk, a place for understated scenarios and a basic, yet
open-to-all kitchen. Visitors should not avoid bringing in their skills,
ideas or surplus of produce to share.

The CAFÉ was first opened in 2012 under the name CAFE35 (at Atelier35, with
support from Alice Gancevici) and it was an inconspicuous alternative to
the aggressive gentrification in the surrounding area. Parts of the initial
furniture – also designed by Atelier Brut – will be now put in use for a
second time.

On the duration of the TranzitCAFÉ you are invited for three thematic
evenings, within which you can test different roles that maybe you haven’t
yet had the occasion to try. Keeping in mind the close relationship with
the Tranzit Garden, these events are the meetings which purpose is to be
discovered gradually and which, sometimes, artistic spaces have the chance
to host.

"Mint is an attention-seeking, invasive plant".
Saturday, April 12, from 3 to 6 pm.
For this event we ask you to bring an ingredient which can be used for a

"Tomatoes and potatoes have the will and the abilities to sabotage each
Friday, April 25, from 3 to 6 pm.
For this event we ask you to bring an ingredient which can be cooked

"The Flower Ball" (or "Petunia is a trap")
Wednesday, April 30, from 7 pm.
This will also be the closing event of TranzitCAFÉ.

Besides these events, you can spend time in the café, using it as a space
for working, for meetings or relaxation. Every week, a selection of 10
books from the library will be available for reading in the space of the
café. We offer tea, coffee, internet access and observation cards which you
can fill in for a detailed understanding of the space in TranzitCAFÉ and

Daniela Pălimariu (b. 1986, Iasi) currently lives in Bucharest, Romania. In
the last few years, her art practice has evolved towards social events that
shift between private and public spheres; alongside, she creates livable
objects that understate the ambiguity of human relations, the need for
personal space and the taste for daily subversions. Since 2012 she
coordinates SALON VIDEO, a platform for promoting and experimenting with
video art.

Atelier Brut is the design project of stage designer Andrei Dinu,
established in 2010. The Atelier creates furniture made of recycled
materials and exhibition designs. Atelier Brut realized the library for the
space of tranzit.ro/ Bucureşti as well as the design for some of the
exhibitions which took place here.

We would like to thank to Dan Basu, Vlad Basalici, Eduard Constantin and
Simion Constantin.

More information:
raluca.voinea at tranzit.org
Tel.: 031 4382271
Mobil: 0728 503012
ERSTE Foundation is the main partner of tranzit.ro.
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