[oberlist] DE* call: Art in Resistance

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Sun Dec 21 16:45:19 CET 2014

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Artinfo Digest, Vol 72, Issue 13
From:    artinfo-request at lists.c3.hu
Date:    Sat, December 20, 2014 1:00 pm
To:      artinfo at lists.c3.hu

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 09:59:12 -0500
From: Adele Eisenstein <adeleleda at gmail.com>
Subject: [artinfo] Fwd: An invitation for project submissions: Art in

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: e-artnow <info at e-artnow.org>
Date: Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 8:36 AM
Subject: An invitation for project submissions: Art in Resistance

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+ Opening reminder**18.12.2014*

An invitation for project submissions: Art in Resistance


SPIELART Festival Munich



opencall at spielmotor.de
Tilmann Broszat
Phone: +49-89-2805607
Fax: +49-89-2805679

Spielmotor M?nchen e.V.
Ludwigstr. 8
80539 M?nchen

Deadline for submissions:
February 15, 2015

Project realisation in frame of the SPIELART

Festival Munich,
Oct 23 - Nov 7, 2015

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*An invitation for project submissionsART IN RESISTANCEAn open call from
SPIELART Festival Munich,October 23 ? November 7, 2015Submission deadline:
February 15, 2015*

Starting in 2010, the years were surprisingly marked by protests of very
different types all across the globe. One novel aspect was that the
rebellions took place in countries where one had not previously expected
it: In the Arabian realm, in supposedly stabile regions such as Europe and
the U.S., also in ?emerging' countries such as Turkey and Brazil, and
recently in Hong Kong. In recent years, the SPIELART Theater Festival
Munich has repeatedly presented artists and artivists in its programs who
participated in the protests or were inspired by them. During the 2015
festival, with ART IN RESISTANCE we want to integrate a level of reflection
as well as a reevaluation.

*Submissions from every art genre are welcome:*

? Submissions that aspire to have a direct influence on political and
social realities with artistic means and/or that work through media
? Submissions that use the political potential of fiction and create
symbolic realities.
? Submissions that work with theater as a realm of possibility in order to
design visions,
? which are independent of their viability or realizability.
? Submissions that operate with the means of performance and theater to
create political
? interventions in urban spaces.
? Submissions that deal (in a participative manner) with forms of
coexistence, whether they are in a local neighborhood, in Munich itself, or
via live stream from somewhere else in the world.
? Submissions that illuminate the genre of artivism in a documentary
manner, or reflect
? the genre of artivism through the use of new technologies and media

ART IN RESISTANCE will take place from October 23 to November 7, 2015 at
the Gasteig cultural center in Munich. For the most part the foyers, which
are open to the public, will be used with their exhibition spaces and
podiums. Individual projects can also be realized in two small theater
spaces, a lecture hall/cinema and a court at the Gasteig. ART IN RESISTANCE
addresses the SPIELART audiences and also visitors to the Gasteig (visitors
to the concerts, the municipal library, the adult education center, the
music school).


Suggested projects can be either projects that already exist or project
concepts that have not been realized yet. The following formats are
conceivable: presentations; performances; lecture performances;
interventions (also in municipal spaces); installations; films; videos;
concerts; club formats; visual arts (for example,
photographs/illustrations, posters); and workshops, etc. Please submit in
digital form the following documents:

? A short description of the project in English (with a maximum of 800
? A comprehensive description of the project in English (on no more than
three DIN A4
? pages). In the case of existing projects: Include a comprehensive
documentation with photographs, and an audio or a video documentation of
the work as an external link (Vimeo, etc.).
? In the case of project concepts: Include a schedule of the project's
development and realization.
? A suggested budget.
? Contact data.
? One or more curriculum vitae.

Flexible, mobile forms have a greater chance of being realized. The
deadline for submissions is February 15, 2015; the artists who are selected
will be notified by the end of April 2015. All of the decisions regarding
the program are excluded from judicial review and are not subject to the
jurisdiction of a court of law.

Submissions should be sent to:

*opencall at spielmotor.de <opencall at spielmotor.de>*

SPIELART is a biannual festival producing/coproducing and presenting
promising artists and exploring relevant topics of international theater
since 1995. SPIELART looks for unusual aesthetic forms, the specific role
of the audience, and connections with other art forms. SPIELART focusses
also on political art forms and the role of the arts in the society.

*www.spielart.org <http://www.spielart.org/>*

In Cooperation with the Goethe Institut and the Cultural Department of the
City of Munich

End of Artinfo Digest, Vol 72, Issue 13

Oberliht, Young Artists Association
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