[Oberlist] A inceput preselectia pentru CRONOGRAF 2007

OWH TV Studio owh_tvstudio la yahoo.com
Vin Noi 3 13:04:46 CET 2006

  Stimati colegi,
  OWH TV Studio are placerea sa anunte deschiderea preselectiei pentru cea de a 6-a editie a Festivalului International de Film Documentar “CRONOGRAF”, ce va avea loc la Chisinau, Republica Moldova in perioada 1-5 mai, 2007.
  Alaturi de Sectiunea de Film Documentar, incepind cu aceasta editie, va invitam sa participati cu filmele dumneavoastra si la Sectiunea cadRO, dedicata filmelor despre romani si comunitatile de romani din intreaga lume.
  Pentru detalii privind Regulamentul Festivalului si Formularul de inscriere va invitam sa consultati site-ul nostru www.owh.md (rubrica CRONOGRAF).
  Asteptam filmele dumneavoastra si formularele de inscriere pana la 1 februarie 2007.
  Pentru mai multe informatii nu ezitati sa ne contactati direct la:
  Tel.: +373/22/23 27 71, tel./fax: +373/22/22 54 09.
  E-mail: owh la owh.md, owh_tvstudio la yahoo.com 
Web: www.owh.md
  Adresa: OWH TV Studio, str.Veronica Micle 10A, Chisinau, MD-2012, Republica Moldova  
  Persoane de contact: Leontina Vatamanu, Victoria Coroban
  Va rugam sa distribuiti aceste informatii persoanelor interesate!
  Cu respect,
  Virgiliu Margineanu, Director General OWH TV Studio 
  Dear colleagues, 
  OWH TV Studio is pleased to announce the opening of the 6th edition of the International Documentary Film Festival “CRONOGRAF”, that will be held in Chishinau, Republic of Moldova, on the 1 - 5 of May, 2007. 
  Along with Documentary Film Section, beginning with this edition we invite you to apply for cadRO Section, dedicated to documentaries, which tackle issues related to the life of Romanians or Romanian communities from all over the world.
  Please see details about Regulations and the Entry Form for Documentary Film Section and cadRO Section at www.owh.md (CRONOGRAF section).
  We will be very glad to receive your submissions till February 1st, 2007. 
  For more information don’t hesitate to contact us primarily at:
  OWH TV Studio, 10 Veronica Micle St., Chisinau, MD-2012, Republic of Moldova  
  Contact persons: Leontina Vatamanu, Victoria Coroban
  Tel.: + 373/22/23 27 71; Tel/ Fax: + 373/22/22 54 09  
  e-mail: owh la owh.md, owh_tvstudio la yahoo.com 
Web: www.owh.md
  Please send this information to interested persons!
  Best regards,
  Virgiliu Margineanu, OWH TV Studio General Director 

OWH TV Studio 

10, Veronica Micle St., 
Chisinau-2012, Republic of Moldova 
Phone: +373/22/232 771; Fax: +373/22/225 409 
E-mail: owh la owh.md; owh_tvstudio la yahoo.com 
Web: www.owh.md
Everyone is raving about the  all-new Yahoo! Mail.
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