[Oberlist] [Fwd: [artbox] "Survive Style" - short film contest]
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Mar Noi 21 02:14:36 CET 2006
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
tel: + (373 22) 735369
contact person: Vladimir Us
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [artbox] "Survive Style" - short film contest
From: "Peruz Egikyan" <peruzzz la yahoo.com>
Date: Mon, November 20, 2006 00:04
To: "artbox" <artbox la groups.cult.bg>
CfA: Survive Style: short film contest Survive
Style: short film contest
This contest is open to young filmmakers between 18 and 30 years from
the EU, South East Europe, Turkey and Caucasus countries. The film
should cover the topic: "Survive Style - To be young in Europe - A
risky business?" and express a personal view about the situation of
young people in Europe, how they imagine their future working
situation, how their life is affected by European mobility and
The filmmakers of the best 30 films selected will be invited to
participate and present their films at the European Youth Film Forum
in Vienna from 12 to 18 March 2007.
All films must be received by: 15 December 2006.
Detailed information (application form, length, format etc) for this
contest can be found on:
http://nisimasa. imingo.net/ ?q=node/207
The contest is organised by NISI MASA (the European Network of Young
Cinema) with the support of the Council of Europe, All different, all
equal campaign.
Good luck with your applications.
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