[Oberlist] [Fwd: [artbox] Konkursi na Berliner Festspiele 07]
ober la emdash.org
Dum Dec 3 18:59:17 CET 2006
pentru cei din domeniul teatral - sunt solicitate piese de teatru in orice
limba europeana!!!
data limita 15 decembrie 2006
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
tel: + (373 22) 735369
contact person: Vladimir Us
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [artbox] Konkursi na Berliner Festspiele 07
From: "Margarita Dorovska" <mdorovska la i-space.org>
Date: Sun, December 3, 2006 17:06
To: artbox la groups.cult.bg
Plays wanted!/ Stückemarkt
Playwrights and agents from any European country may submit new,
unperformed plays in any European language. The jury will select five
plays which will be presented as part of the Theatertreffen programme in
the form of staged readings in the Stückemarkt (play market). As in
previous years, other selected authors will have the opportunity to take
part in a playwrights workshop with John von Düffel.
To be received by 15 December 2006
for further information visit:
Theatermakers wanted!/ International Forum at the Theatertreffen
Two week programme for professional theatremakers, open to artists of
all nationalities who are 35 and under and are working in the field of
spoken drama. Those selected to take part will usually receive a bursary.
* Practical training in workshops
* Visits to Theatertreffen performances
* Seminars, Lectures, discussions
* Stückemarkt, Talentetreffen and theatremaker fare
The International Forum sees itself as a platform for an extensive
pracitcal and theoretical exchange of questions, convictions and opinions.
The workshop programme of the International Forum 2007 has as its motto
The Political Theatre about the Political Dimension of Contemporary
Theatre Work.
Professional theatremakers up to 35 years apply for a bursary. It
comprises the travel expenses, the accomodation, the costs for the
workshops, the tickets to the theatre performances as well as per diems.
There will be 43 bursaries (24 for German-speaking countries, 19 for non
German speaking countries). The working language is German.
The International Forum is led by the theatre scientist and dramaturg
Uwe Gössel.
for further information visit:
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