[Oberlist] REamintire: HIGH FEST International Performing Arts
Festival, Yerevan , Armenia >>>
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Mie Ian 31 19:45:53 CET 2007
HIGH FEST International Performing Arts Festival
(Fifth Edition)
4-14 October 2007 / Yerevan , Armenia
Application deadline - February 15 2007
Download registration form
We are pleased to inform, that from 2006 the HIGH FEST International
Performing Arts Festival welcomes performing arts companies and artists to
present their productions in all genres of performing arts including
theatre (drama, comedy, mime, movement, circus, street performances,
puppet/marionette, fingers theatre, visual), dance (modern, folk, classic
etc.), music (opera, classical, musical, contemporary, jazz, folk etc) and
other forms of performing arts.
Besides the Main Program of HIGH FEST 2007, two Festivals will be held in
the framework of the Festival:
*International Festival of Puppet and Children Performances (third edition);
*ARMS FEST - Armenian International Student and Youth Festival (second
Note !!! If the Advisory Board finds your work interesting, but the
deadline of the festival has already passed or your work is out of the
format of the festival, we can offer you to participate at the Fringe
Programme which means you take care all of your expenses. The Organizing
Committee provides marketing and publicity costs, as well as free access
to all performances and connected events.
If you are interested in participating at the HIGH FEST 2007, please read
carefully the information below and send the application form and the info
pack till February 15 2007 to the following address:
HIGH FEST International Theatre Festival
Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinema
Amiryan 26
Yerevan 375002
Application form
1.Full name of the theatre / company's history;
2.Choose the festival program you are applying to:
. Main Program;
. Puppet and Children Performances;
. Student/Youth Performances (ARMS FEST):
3. City / Country;
4. Performance title, short description;
5. Genre, number of acts;
6. Director, artist;
7. Characters and actors;
8. List of previous festivals theatre participated at;
9. Number and names of arriving people (actors and others);
10. Duration of the play;
11. Weight of decorations, need in transport;
12. Technical conditions necessary for the show , time required for stage
set up and break down;
13. Information (address, fax, telephone, Email). Contact person.
For selection process we need information pack, photos (good resolution /
quality if digital) and full length video,DVD,VCD .
A first selection will be established and the selected companies will be
asked to send more information and confirm their availability.
Conditions of participation
The selection for HIGH FEST 2007 is mainly based on the following criteria:
. Shows of the high quality and professionalism
. Shows and performances of all genres of performing arts; not exceeding
5-7 person
. Companies happy to take part in workshops, meetings and discussions;
. Companies happy to work together with the festival organizers to make
things possible;
The season
. Each company (or part of the company) will actively participate in
workshops, master classes and meetings with famous theatre practitioners;
. Each company will be able to see the work of other invited artists and
to make new contacts.
The conditions
The Organizing Committee provides the following:
. Accommodation (max 4 nights) and 2 meals;
. Free access to all Festival events / performances etc;
Local transportation from and to airport
. Technical and administrative costs;
. Press, marketing and publicity costs;
. Diplomas and souvenirs.
The companies are responsible for their expenses of travel, visa and Exit
Duty of 22 EUROS /special state tax of Yerevan Airport for any person
leaving Armenia
Contact us at:
Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinema
Amiryan 26, Yerevan 375002, Armenia
+374 10 53 62 33
bccp la arminco.com
Contact person:
Shoghakat Galstyan (Coordinator)
Mob +374 93 882110
Lilit Galustyan ( Head of International Dept )
Mob + 374 93 39 50 75
Artur Ghukasyan (Festival President)
Mob + 374 91 42 18 22
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
tel: + (373 22) 735369
contact person: Vladimir Us
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