[Oberlist] Call for application: 4th Balkan Dance Platform, Athens,
Greece >>>
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Sâm Feb 3 19:05:28 CET 2007
GREECE (Athens) / Call for application: 4th Balkan Dance Platform.
Full House Promotion in collaboration with the Megaron, Athens Concert
Hall and the international partners of the Platform: The Red House from
Bulgaria, Lokomotiva from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and
ArtLink from Romania is pleased to announce the 4th edition of the Balkan
Dance Platform 2007 (BDP 2007) - the only biennial event in the Balkans
showcasing the current tendencies in contemporary dance and choreography
in the region.
Full House Promotion will stage BDP 2007 from October 11th to October
14th, 2007 in Athens, Greece at the venues of the Athens Concert Hall
The aim of BDP 2007 is to enhance the development of the contemporary
dance in the Balkan countries through promotion and presentation of
choreographers and dancers, stimulating new productions, cooperation and
networking in the region.
BDP 2007 follows on the success of the first edition in Sofia in 2001
co-organised by The Red House, Sofia and Project DCM Foundation,
Bucharest, the second edition organised two years later in Bucharest,
Romania in conjunction with the BucharEastWest International Dance
Festival and the last one organised in Skopje in 2005 by Lokomotiva -
Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture.
BDP 2007 will include the largest number of participants including artists
from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Serbia,
Montenegro, FYRoM, Slovenia, Croatia, Kosovo and Turkey.
To allow equal chance to new and emerging dancers and choreographers to
present their work, BDP 2007 has appointed an international jury from the
contemporary dance scene in the region to select the participating artists
following a review of the submitted proposals. Deadline for submission is
April 13th, 2007. (Please note: one can apply with "work-in-progress", but
if selected for BDP 2007, the work is expected to be finished by end of
May 2007.)
Download here the application form!
For more information:
Christina Polychroniadou
"full house promotion"
18 Sikelianou Str
115 25 Athens, Greece
Tel&fax: +30 210 6713609
Mob: +30 6932 436034
e-mail: info la fullhousepromotion.gr
sursa: balkanlink.org
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
tel: + (373 22) 735369
contact person: Vladimir Us
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