[Oberlist] [Fwd: [openremont] call for artists]

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Mar Feb 6 20:56:23 CET 2007

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
tel: + (373 22) 735369
contact person: Vladimir Us

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [openremont] call for artists
From:    "remont_asocijacija" <remont_asocijacija la yahoo.com>
Date:    Tue, February 6, 2007 13:48
To:      openremont la yahoogroups.com

The Presence of the Past. Reflections on the artistic legacy from the
Communist Regimes The end of the Communist Regimes in Central and
Eastern Europe almost immediately lead to intensives disputes about
both the architectural and the artistic heritage from the former
regimes. One prominent example here is the "Palast der Republik"
(Palace of the Republic) in Berlin and the decision of its
demolition, which went along with a heated controversy within the
city but also nationwide. The debate, that was emotionally and
politically laden, increased and compounded the separation between
those supporting the conservation of the building and those arguing
for its demolition. Although most of such arguments address concrete
buildings and works of art and are thus shaped by their respective
characteristics, in their essence they go far beyond, raising general
issue about how to deal with a past, that is still physically there
and visible in everyday life: What is worth to preserve, what should
be continue to be used even though in a different way, and which
argument sufficiently supports the demolition of these legacies, in
its consequence implying an irresistible sinking into oblivion. The
answer to these questions is obviously shaped by the tension between
the artistic values of architecture and the arts on the one hand and
a historical as well as moral judgment about its origins, and its
political uses on the other.
The Leipziger Kreis. Forum für Wissenschaft und Kunst – an
institution seeking to bring scholars and artists together to jointly
challenge pressing issues at stake – aims addressing these questions
in a recently started project. Young scholars and artists are going
to turn together towards the history, present and future of the
inherited architecture and arts from the former socialist countries.
Fundamental for the project is its comparative perspective, which
includesnot only Germany, but also Poland, the Czech Republic,
Hungary or Russia.
Artists (painting, media art, fotography or cross-over) who are
interested in participating in this project are invited to hand in
their applications. From everybody chosen to participate it will be
expected to develop a concept, which contributes with a fresh and
enriching perspective to the general theme of the project, i. e. the
forms of dealings with the architectural and artistic legacies of the
socialist regimes. For December 2007 a joint exhibition is planned as
well as the publication of a catalogue.
For applications (in either English or German) please us send until
March 19, 2007
– an expose of the envisaged with a short rational
– a portfolio with a documentation of former works
– a short CV as well as a list of publications / exhibitions
Please send the materials to:
Thomas Klemm
Leipziger Kreis. Forum für Wissenschaft und Kunst
Hainstrasse 11
D-04109 Leipzig
You are welcome to send us your application by email (pdf.) to the
following address: klemm la leipziger-kreis.de
A detailed presentation of the project can be found at our website:
Any questions can be addressed to Thomas Klemm (preferably by email),
who is in charge for this project:
klemm la uni-leipzig.de

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