[Oberlist] International Competition for contemporary choreography
of The Humarts Foundation, Bulgaria >>>
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Mar Feb 13 15:53:35 CET 2007
International Competition for contemporary choreography of The Humarts
Application Conditions
1.All participants, whether choreographers or dancers, may not have
professional education.
2.Choreographers must be older than 18 years and the choreography should
be created after Sep 2006.
3. The length of performance must be between 10 and 15 minutes. A
solo-dance may be interpreted by the choreographer him/herself.
4.The pieces must be performed by a maximum of FIVE dancers.
5.The Application form must be completed and sent to the organizers before
15.06.2007.with a Curriculum vitae , photograph of the choreographer and a
brief summary of the choreographed entry. The choice of subject and music
is left open to the competitor. Details about both should be given in the
entry form.
The applying choreographers have to send a DVD,mini DV or VHS video (PAL
system) with a recording of the whole piece to reach the organizers not
later than 15.06.2007. (without cuts and from a fixed pan shot), with all
the performers.
- The recording is to contain the final piece and all the features of its
set. Once the selection has been carried out, no changes (shall) will be
allowed to the basic structure of the choreography or the set used.
- The Organisation hereby reserves the right to keep the selected videos
for its documentation base.
6. Admission to the competition will be decided by a pre-jury after all
videos have been watched. Admission to the competition is subject to the
organizers consent.10 choreographers will be admitted to the contest.
(Admission to the competition is subject to the organizers consent.)
7.Competitors are required to be available without fee for the necessary
rehearsals, press conferences, interviews and possible radio and
television recordings.
8. No pieces which include water or other liquids being spilt or which
will disrupt the rhythm of the programme due to cleaning the elements
used, will be accepted.
9. The decision of the jury is final.. After the competition the members
of the jury will be available to competitors, on request, for advisory
10.The jury will consist of national and international professionals and
experts in the performing arts and it reserves the right to declare void
any prize. If the jury wishes to award a prize exaequo, the quantity will
be divided among the pieces concerned.
The jury will apply the following assessment criteria to the choreographed
pieces entered: originality, inventive capacity, innovation and risk in
the design, performance of the choreographed ideas, handling of the
choreographic language and the language of dance, use of the stage and its
elements and use of the music.
11.Prizes totaling 5,500.- EUR will be awarded, divided as follows:
1st prize =2000.- EUR
2nd prize = 1500.- EUR
3rd prize = 1000.- EUR
audience prize 600- EUR
12.Humarts foundation is going to produce a subsequent full length
performance of the 1st price winner.
13. Technical data/Technical demands (...)
Stage:Size of the stage (dance floor) 11 m x 11 m , black dance floor
Black curtain with wings, Backdrop black or white opera
14.Sound (music) only CDs
15.The Organisation will not be liable for any physical or material damage
occurring to or caused by the participants during the Contest, including
the loss or theft of objects and belongings.
16. Participation in the International edition of Humarts Foundation
Awards for Choreographers means the acceptance of these terms and
Competitors will be informed of further details about two weeks before the
Application address:
Humarts Foundation
Bul. Hristo Botev 115
Sofia 1000
If you have any questions, please contact us at:
Tel: +359/886761237
E-mail: humarts la gmail.com
Place - Date:
The competition will take place on the 10th of September 2007 in Sofia ,
Bulgaria . It will take place in one evening before an audience and an
international jury. The rehearsals will take place during the day. All
competitors have a max. of 30 minutes for technical rehearsal on the
Humarts Foundation will cover some of the travel expenses of the
Accommodation and per diems:
Humarts Foundation will cover per diems and the costs for accommodation.
Bul. Hristo Botev 115 et.2
Sofia, Bulgaria
tel: 0878761237,0878615839
humartsfoundation la yahoo.com
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
tel: + (373 22) 735369
contact person: Vladimir Us
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