[Oberlist] Artist and Writer in Residence Opportunities, Glasgow, Royaume Uni >>>

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Joi Feb 22 22:24:48 CET 2007

Résidences : Artist and Writer in Residence Opportunities, Gallery of
Modern Art's Contemporary Art-GoMA, Glasgow, Royaume Uni.
Artist and Writer in Residence Opportunities

Closing date 09/03/2007

The Gallery of Modern Art is seeking one visual artist and one writer
whose work has previously addressed issues of social justice and is
prepared to investigate the issues of sectarianism, territorialism
and identity.

As part of the Gallery of Modern Art's Contemporary Art and Human
Rights programme, the Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow (GoMA) is
offering two residency positions, one for a visual artist and one for
a writer, with the opportunity for artists to work on issued based
collaborative projects with community groups.
The artists will be required to respond to the issue Sectarianism
(identity, neighbourhood and nation) and develop new work to be
shown. The residency will be for 6 months starting May 2007, the
artist and writer will be expected to facilitate weekly community
workshops with identified youth groups across the city, one open
studio day, an artists talk, and a final display of work being shown
at GoMA. The artist and writers time would be split 50% for their own
work and 50% for work with the community groups.

Applicants should have a clear idea of how this residency will
benefit their practice along with experience of working
collaboratively with community groups. To apply for either of the
residency posts please send a CV, a letter of application outlining
your approach to the residency and up to 12 slides or photos of own
work (visual artists) and examples of your published work (writers)
to Alicia Watson, Education & Access Curator, Gallery of Modern Art,
Royal Exchange Square, G1 3AH.

Part-time (17.5 hours per week) May – October 2007
Salary - £6000 per residency

Email - Alicia.Watson la cls.glasgow.gov.uk
Phone - 0141 229 1996

sursa: pourinfos
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
tel: + (373 22) 735369
contact person: Vladimir Us

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