[Oberlist] Cracow International Cultural Centre's Summer Programmess >>>

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Joi Mar 15 07:47:56 CET 2007

Cracow International Cultural Centre's Summer Programmess

Cracow, Poland, July 2007

In July 2007 the International Cultural Centre will organise the 17th
edition of the summer programmes of the College for New Europe – an
educational institution of the ICC opened in May 1991 during the CSCE
Symposium on Cultural Heritage in Cracow.

The educational programmes aim to bring together young students and
scholars to discuss political, cultural and social issues of today on an
international forum. The College has organized 53 summer sessions so far
and the number of participants who have attended the sessions rises to
some 1900. Most of the students come from Central and Eastern Europe, but
a great number of students also come from the USA, South Africa and
several Asian countries.

The faculty are eminent professors and experts who represent
well-recognized European and American academic institutions. Participants
are welcome to apply for three self-contained courses:

Cities in Conflict. Urban Strategies in Central Europe (July) - A two-week
programme organized jointly with the Institut für den Donauraum und
Mitteleuropa and designed for young sociologists, historians, urban
planners, architects and art historians from Poland and other Central and
East European countries;

The River within the City (May, July) - Urban planning workshops jointly
organized with the Urban and Regional Planning Department of the RWTH in
Aachen for students of architecture from Poland, Germany and Austria;

Democracy and Diversity (July) - The course addresses junior scholars from
around the world, bringing an interdisciplinary and comparative approach
to bear on the study of social, political and cultural challenges to
today's democracy. The programme organized with the Transregional Centre
for Democratic Studies of the New School University, New York. The course
is the equivalent of a full semester's graduate study at an American

Further details are available at:

Contact: Miedzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, International Cultural Centre,
Rynek Glowny 25, Cracow, Poland; tel. 00 48 12 42 42 811

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