[Oberlist] Music, Conflict and Politics of Identity >>>
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Joi Mar 15 08:16:59 CET 2007
Music, Conflict and Politics of Identity
The School of Arts at McMaster University invites submissions for a volume
of essays that examines the role of music in geopolitical conflict, both
historical and contemporary, including wars, revolutions, protests,
genocides, and the post 9/11 "war on terror". Aiming to focus on how music
may direct and contribute to conflict and how individuals or groups
utilize it when coping with, responding to, and/or resolving geopolitical
conflict and the injury suffered therefrom, essays are sought that engage
with issues related to identity, including individual, group, national, or
transnational identity, as well as topics that explore musical nostalgia,
cultural memory, fear, precarity and trauma. All perspectives and
methodologies are welcome.
McMaster University hopes to include essays that examine music and
conflict vis-à-vis live performance, institutions (war museums, war
memorials, etc.), film, television, radio, and the Internet. Authors and
topics from a diverse range of ethnic, cultural and national viewpoints
will be included.
500-word abstracts should be sent by 31 May 2007 to Susan Fast at
fastfs la mcmaster.ca. Complete essays by December 2007.
Contact information: Susan Fast, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Music,
School of the Arts, McMaster University, 1280 Main St. W, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada L8S 4M2; tel.:(905) 525-9140 ext. 23670; e-mail:
fastfs la mcmaster.ca
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