[Oberlist] REGIONAL>call: short films for Bosnia-Hercegowina >>>

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Vin Mar 30 23:45:07 CEST 2007

Call for entries

Deadline 10 April 2007
International Short Film Festival KRATKOFIL

KRATKOFIL is supposed to be a supportive event for regional filmmakers, as
well as an opportunity for screening the best international short films.
Beside the competitive program, the Festival will screen films in
non-competitive and special programs. The directors of the films selected
in competition will be invited to the festival.

1. The Festival has:
Competitive program
Non-competitive programs
Special programs, debates audience – film crews – film critics – guests
2. General conditions for film competition program
a) Only films that meet the following conditions will be accepted for
- Films produced after 1st of January 2005;
- Films should not exceed 30 minutes in length;
- Films subtitled in English, unless the dialogue is in English
b) All entries will go through selection, unless a special waiver was
granted by the Festival;
c) The screening will be made on: Beta SP, DVCAM and DVD
3. Invitation
Directors whose films have been selected will be invited to attend the
festival and provided with accommodation. Travel expenses will not be
covered. Expenses for only one person per film can be covered. The
invitation can be transferred to the other representative of the film
group in case if the director is not able to attend.
4. Sending the entry
There is no submission fee!
For direct entries into competitive section of the Festival DVD together
with the entry form, a still from the film, the director’s photo and the
dialogue list must reach the Festival before April 10th, 2007. (Please
find the shipping address at the bottom of this page)
- DVD and the additional materials will not be returned.
4. Film Shipping, return
ONLY. The value on the invoice should not exceed 10 Euros.
BETA SP / DVCAM / DVD should reach the Festival not later than May 15th,
2007. In case this deadline is crossed, the film will be replaced.
BETA SP / DVCAM / DVD will be sent to the Festival prepaid by the
BETA SP / DVCAM / DVD will be sent together with a pro-forma invoice with
the following mentions by normal post or by courier.
BETA SP / DVCAM will be returned to the addresses mentioned in the Entry
Form within 3 weeks after the end of the Festival. DVDs will be kept in
the Festival archive except the case of a special arrangement.
5. Miscellaneous
a) The schedule is under the responsibility of the KIISFF. The number of
projections, dates, times, as well as the screening locations are decided
by the Festival administration.
b) A submitted film cannot be withdrawn afterwards, unless it’s decided
differently by the festival;
c) The Festival has the right to screen the films in competition four
times during the Festival;
d) The KIISFF has the right to authorize clip screenings not to exceed
three minutes on television and radio for publicity purposes only.
6. Juries & awards
The Jury of 5 international members will award the following recognitions:
* Festival Trophy Crystal Jazavcar
* Audience Prize
* 10 special surprises!
Sending a signed entry form to the Festival, on-line or by post, implies
the agreement of the contributor to the Festival regulations for the first
edition of KRATKOFIL International Independent Short Film Festival.
Deadline: 10/04/07
Contact: Creative Artists Association Lanterna KRATKOFIL film festival
Kralja Petra II 57/4 78 000 Banjaluka Bosnia and Herzegovina
info la kratkofil.org

sursa: nmartproject
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
skype: us.vladimir
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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