[Oberlist] 1st Sarajevo Talent Campus
US Vladimir
us_v la hotmail.com
Mie Mai 16 20:59:52 CEST 2007
Vladimir Us
artist & curator
From: coordinator la arts.bg.ac.yuSubject: FW: Announcing 1. Sarajevo Talent CampusDate: Wed, 16 May 2007 18:19:44 +0200
From: Irina Ljubic [mailto:irina la azc.org.yu] Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 11:32 AMSubject: Announcing 1. Sarajevo Talent Campus
I SARAJEVO TALENT CAMPUSSarajevo Film Festival is proud to announce that the First Sarajevo TalentCampus, a new educational programme dedicated to young filmmakers fromSouth-eastern Europe, will be held from 20 to 25 August, 2007, as part of the 13th Sarajevo Film Festival.SFF is organizing this project in cooperation with the Berlinale TalentCampus and the Berlin International Film Festival.Please find more information in the attached leaflet. We are kindly asking you to circulate this message to those who you feel maybenefit from this initiative.Sarajevo Talent CampusE-mail: talent-campus la sff.baWeb: www.sff.ba <http://www.sff.ba/> ------ End of Forwarded Message
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