[Oberlist] DE* Call for Submissions - The KVB Kölner Verkehrs-Betriebe AG
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Vin Iul 6 04:08:27 CEST 2007
Köln, Germany
The KVB Kölner Verkehrs-Betriebe AG
Call for Submissions
Art has traditionally always played an important part in the life of the
city of Cologne. The new stations of the North-South Light Rail Cologne
(Nord-Süd Stadtbahn Köln) one above and seven below ground are to
become the stages for artistic projects. The Cologne City Council passed a
resolution to this extent on 14 November 2002.
On 4 April 2006 this was followed by another council order, according to
which financial means amounting to 1.75 million euros will be allocated
for the art project, including holding a competition.
The Kölner Verkehrs-Betriebe AG (the public transport company of the city
of Cologne) were commis- sioned as awarding authority of this major
underground railway project to organise the compe- tition, which was
launched on 18 May 2007 with the international call for submissions.
National and international artists are to be involved in this multistage
international art competition. The realisation of the proposals chosen by
the eminent jury together with the completion of the new line are
scheduled for the end of 2010.
The results are not only meant to make the wait at the stations more
attractive for all inhabitants and visitors of Cologne. What is aspired to
is the creation of an art project which attracts internat- ional attention
and which makes visiting the stations worthwhile for everyone interested
in culture and the arts.
The competition will be restricted to 40 competitors or groups of
>From the applicants, 27 artists or groups of artists will be chosen to
take part in the competition. In addition, KVB will invite 13 artists or
groups of artists.
All persons from a country of the European Union, or an associated
country, who fulfill the professional and personal requirements, will be
eligible to apply.
Artists or groups of artists resident in the region of eligibility can
take part. In the case of groups of artists, every member of the group
must be named, and must be eligible to take part.
The languages of the application procedure will be English and German. The
applications of artists and groups of artists must be accompanied by proof
of no more than three but at least two projects which have already been
carried out (in a format no larger than DIN A3), a curriculum vitae, a
list of works and not more than 3 publications.
The descriptions of the already executed projects shall illustrate the way
in which art conceives space as a unity, and explain the use of spatial
references. This applies to projects in public space, but above all, for
buildings and interiors. An independent selection jury will examine the
applications and select 27 artists or groups of artists to take part in
the two-phase competition.
Rok prijave: 31/07/07
The KVB Kölner Verkehrs-Betriebe AG
Reference "Künstlerwettbewerb"
Scheidtweiler Strasse 38
50933 Köln
tel: 0221 - 547 - 4780
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
skype: us.vladimir
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information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova
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