[Oberlist] MX* Call for Submissions: Transitio_mx 02 Electronic Arts
and Video Festival
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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Nettime-ro Digest, Vol 52, Issue 14
From: nettime-ro-request la nettime.org
Date: Fri, July 13, 2007 13:02
To: nettime-ro la nettime.org
Message: 1
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 15:27:17 -0500
From: Florence Gouvrit <fgouvrit la correo.cnart.mx>
Subject: [Nettime-ro] Call for Submissions: Transitio_mx 02 Electronic
Arts and Video Festival
Dear Friends,
the Electronic Arts and Video Festival
Transitio_mx 02, which is currently launching its second international
competition, opening the call for submissions for three awards:
Transitio, Sizigia and Transnational Communities (the latter a project
of the US-Mexico Foundation for Culture, Inc. and Fundacion BBVA Bancomer).
All details about the categories and the online submission are available at:
Submission Deadline: July 27, 2007
The Electronic Arts and Video Festival, Transitio_mx is the most
relevant platform in Mexico for the expression and analysis of the
contemporary artistic practices with electronic media and the digital
The title for the current edition of the festival is Nomadic Borders,
making reference to the electronic/media arts through two metaphors: on
the one hand, the border as the symbolic site that lies in the limit
itself; on the other, the nomadic as an image of what is mobile, that
which lacks a specific location. At the nomadic frontier there is no
belonging, the communities developed there are always about to be built.
From that idea, the conceptual axes of the festival are derived:
Communities in Process and Processes in Community.
The main objective of the Festival is to support, recognize and spread
production and current research around the artisticelectronic media, in
an inclusive and expansive environment, by means of an exhibition, a
symposium and a competition.
The competition is open to all individuals, groups and associations
involved in the creative production using electronic media like
videoart, sound art, net-art, installations, performing arts,
performance actions and other related manifestations.
In the current edition, the National Council for Culture and the Arts,
through the Multimedia Center of the National Center for the Arts, opens
the calling for the following awards:
The national and international community is called to participate in the
Second Electronic Arts and Video Competition that will be carried within
the Festival framework from October 13th to 19th, 2007.
During the Festival the following prizes will be granted as a
recognition to produced work:
A single prize worth $ 120,000.00 Mexican pesos or its equivalent in
U.S. dollars.
The honorary mentions that the Jury considers pertinent.
Proposals for this award will be taken in from the publication of this
announcement and until July 27th, 2007 6:00 p.m. (GMT -6). No proposals
will be taken in after this deadline. The shipping date can be taken
into account as long as the shipment is done using express mail and not
ordinary service. In case of international shipments, the package or
envelope should be clearly labeled as Cultural Material with no
The national and international community is called to send its
electronic art proposals for the SIZIGIA project, coordinated by
Laboratorio Curatorial 060.
SIZIGIA is an island in the middle of the Usumacinta River, in the
border between Mexico and Guatemala. After its claim as an independent
territory by the members of Laboratorio 060, the island was mapped and
transferred accurately to the virtual world of Second Life
(www.secondlife.com). By working as an independent zone in two planes of
interaction, real and virtual, SIZIGIA is self-assumed as a micro-State
possible of socio-imaginary confluences. The project impels the
application of a biopolitical engineering through different interaction
methods between real structures and virtual developments. As a part of
their curatorial proposal for Transitio_mx 02, and to be presented in
the international exhibition, Laboratorio 060 will coordinate the
following awards:
Up to three virtual residences lasting 2 months for the development of
the winning projects, which include the amount of 265.000 Linden dollars
(approx $1000 USD).
Proposals for this award will be received from the publication of this
call and until July 20th, 2007 6:00 p.m. (GMT -6).
They can be sent through the Internet, or directly by courier to the
Multimedia Center. No proposals will be taken in after the deadline.
Proposals after the deadline will not be received. The shipping date can
be taken into account as long as the shipment is done using express mail
and not ordinary service. In case of international shipments, the
package or envelope should be clearly labeled as Cultural Material with
Granted by the US-Mexico Foundation for Culture, Inc., Fomento
Educacional, A.C. and Fundación Cultural BBVA Bancomer.
The award will recognize transnational communities that link Mexico and
the United States and that have been able to translate their presence
onto the Internet, thus recreating their social dynamics through the
web, shortening geographic distances, and trascending cultural conflicts
by innovation. The emphasis of the award is set on digital projects that
creatively use the technological and conceptual tools available in the
net to improve the communitarian communication and interaction channels,
giving rise to online spaces in which common stories and practices are
During the Festival, the following prizes will be granted to conformed
digital communities:
A first prize of 3.500 U.S. dollars.
The honorary mentions that the Jury considers pertinent.
Proposals for this prize will be received from the publication of this
call and until 6:00 p.m. (GMT -6) on July 27th, 2007. No proposals will
be taken in after this deadline. The shipping date can be taken into
account as long as the shipment is done using express mail and not
ordinary service. In case of international shipments, the package or
envelope should be clearly labeled as Cultural Material with no
The application should be done online in the address:
The participants accept the conditions of this call. The Planning
Council of the Festival will attend any case not previously foreseen.
DOCUMENTATION: To obtain the information on the specific participation
guidelines for each prize as well as the Application Form and all the
information on the documentation that must be included, please go to the
Festivals webpage http://transitiomx.net or the Multimedia Center webpage:
For further information and delivery of documents please refer to:
Centro Nacional de las Artes Centro Multimedia Avenida Río Churubusco
79, Colonia Country Club, C. P. 04220, Coyoacán, México, D. F. Office
hours are from 10:00 to 15:00 hours
Contact: Ana Villa by phone 1253 9400 Ext. 1290 or by email:
concurso la transitiomx.net
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End of Nettime-ro Digest, Vol 52, Issue 14
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