[Oberlist] SI* Pixxelpoint 2007,
8. mednarodni festival novomediske umetnosti / 8th International
New Media Art Festival
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Joi Aug 9 02:37:29 CEST 2007
Kulturni dom Nova Gorica
Pixxelpoint 2007, 8. mednarodni festival novomediske umetnosti / 8th
International New Media Art Festival
Poziv k prijavam / Call for proposals
Slovensko (english below):
Tema: Zelena puscava
Film Nostalghia (1983) Andreja Tarkovskega se zaključi s slavnim
travalingom kamere, ki razkrije postopno prehajanje filmskega prostora iz
podobe ruske pokrajine z glavnim junakom v okvirjajočo se podobo
notranjosti toskanske cerkve. Zanjo se v tretji fazi nepretrganega
posnetka izkae, da je brez strehe in odprta za vremenske vplive, saj se
prizor sklene s sneenjem v tem hibridnem interjerju-eksterjerju.
Drugi primer je reklamna kampanja podjetja Diesel Global Warming Ready
(2006) s podobami prostorskih kolaev, npr. Gore Rushmore kot obmorske
pečine ali pa prizora barvitih tropskih papig v Benetkah namesto
letečih podgan. Sicer zelo različni konkretizaciji zdruuje
skupna tema, povezava dveh, na prvi pogled nezdruljivih prostorov na enem
Posledica tovrstne prostorske katahreze pa je praviloma razkritje
specifične drubenopolitične problematike, ki je lahko
kompleksneja, kot v primeru raziskave razmerja med ruskim razumevanjem
ivljenjskega sveta in zahodnjakim, ki ga predstavlja Toskana pri
Tarkovskem, ali pa le na pol resna, kot v reklamni kampanji, ki eli
ozavečati globalne javnosti o problematiki varstva okolja s podobami
okantnih in obenem privlačnih ekosistemov, ki so e zdavnaj padli iz
Tema Pixxelpointa Zelena pučava se nanaa torej na kontroverzno
povezavo nečesa sicer lepega vendar obenem mrtvega, s pozitivnimi
pomeni zelenine, ki je v pučavi seveda ni.
Pixxelpoint 2007 is looking for proposals for new media installations and
software art for the given theme "Green Desert".
Andrei Tarkovsky's film Nostalgia (1983) closes with a renowned travelling
camera shot that gradually traverses the film space, tracking from images
of Russian landscape in which the protagonist is framed to a final image
of the interior of a Tuscan church. In the third phase of this
uninterrupted shot, it can be seen that the church has no roof and is
exposed to the influences of weather. The shot concludes with snow falling
in a hybrid of interior and exterior.
Another example of such hybrid style can be found in the Diesel Company's
advertising campaign Global Warming Ready (2006) which features images of
spatial collage: for example, Mount Rushmore as a coastal cliff, and a
Venetian scene in which colourful tropical parrots replace the ubiquitous
pigeons. These very different visual effects combine a common theme: the
association of two seemingly disassociated spaces in one place.
The consequence of this type of catachresis is the revelation of specific
socio-political problems that can be either complex, as in the example of
the differing states of Russian and Western understanding of life found in
Tarkovsky's Tuscany, or half-serious, as in the example of the advertising
campaign that wants to increase the global public awareness of
environmental protection issues using shocking and attractive images of
various ecosystems that have fallen out of balance.
The theme of Pixxelpoint's Green Desert refers to the controversial
linkage of something beautiful and dead at the same time, the positive
connotations of greenness combined with its absence in the desert. There
is of course a way out of this quandary, though one solution remains
limited to virtual technically-simulated reality.
data limita: 15/10/07
Kulturni dom Nova Gorica
Pixxelpoint 2007
5000 Nova Gorica
tel: +386 5 335 40 15
mgng la siol.net
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