[Oberlist] EE* Biennale of Young Artists: Consequences and Proposals

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Dum Sep 23 21:15:05 CEST 2007

Alexander Raevski la Tallinn


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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Biennale of Young Artists: Consequences and Proposals
From:    "e-Flux" <info la mailer.e-flux.com>
Date:    Sun, September 23, 2007 18:44
To:      ober la emdash.org

Biennale of Young Artists, Tallinn 2007

Biennale of Young Artists, Tallinn 2007

Consequences and Proposals

R&uuml;&uuml;telkonna building, Kiriku plats 1,
Tallinn, Estonia

Curators: Rael Artel, Anneli Porri

Participating artists: Akvile Anglickaite (Vilnius), Coolturistes
(Vilnius), Nanna Debois-Buhl (Copenhagen/New York), Evelina Deicmane
(Riga/Berlin) and Theo Mercier (Paris/Berlin), Gintaras Didziapetris
(Vilnius), Nathalie Djurberg (Berlin), Merike Estna (Tallinn/London), Elin
Hansdottir (Reykjav&iacute;k/Berlin), Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver
Kochta-Kalleinen (Helsinki), Emma Kihl (Stockholm), Karl Larsson
(Stockholm), Juozas Laivys (Vilnius), Johanna Lecklin (Helsinki), Rudolfas
Levulis (Vilnius), Barthol Lo Mejor (Tartu), Andreas Mangione and Hanna
Dagerskog (Stockholm), Marge Monko (Tallinn), John Phillip M&auml;kinen
(Helsinki), Tanja Muravskaja (Tallinn), Kristina Norman (Tallinn), Stas
Polnarev (Moscow), Karol Radziszewski (Warsaw), Alexander Raevski
(Chisinau), R.E.P. -- Ksenia Gnilitskaya, Nikita Kadan, Janna Kadyrova,
Lesia Khomenko, Vladimir Kuznetsov, Lada Nakonechnaya (Kyev), Hans
Rosenstr&ouml;m (Helsinki), Pilvi Takala (Amsterdam/Helsinki), Sigrid Viir
n), Julia Wolff (Berlin).


Consequences and Proposals, the Biennale of Young Artists, Tallinn 2007,
deals with the results of decisions made in the past and envisages
possible future directions. The artists are involved as an active creative
force whose role is to analyse and imagine, while standing between the
fragments of dispersed histories–personal and collective, past and future.

Consequences and Proposals consists of two separate shows in one space.
The first, curated by Anneli Porri, investigates silent moments in the
recent history of the Baltic Sea region, addressing, often hushed up,
relatively underground and invisible processes in a transforming society.
This part of the exhibition questions the current state of society in the
light of subjective memory. The second part of the show, curated by Rael
Artel, proposes different approaches to imagining the immediate future,
while hesitating between optimistic and pessimistic scenarios. Originating
from the idea that all art making is political, a variety of perspectives
are envisioned through a more or less political prism.

The exhibition is an open structure filled with various positions, points
of view, propositions and opinions, rather than a clearly defined and
closed show dealing with a defined set of themes. There are no easy
take-away solutions here -- the viewer is invited to think along with us.

The show takes place in the R&uuml;&uuml;telkonna building -- an
architectural piece from the 19th century, which has served as the House
of the Knighthood, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
Estonia, the National Library of Estonia, and the exhibition hall of the
Art Museum of Estonia. The venue is located in the historic precinct of
Tallinn's Old Town.

The Biennale of Young Artists, Tallinn 2007 has been commissioned and
produced by the Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia.

Background information:

The independent NGO, Biennale of Young Artists, has initiated a pioneer
international project entitled Public Preparation, which, in parallel with
the exhibition, will form a platform for knowledge production in support
of the process of organising the biennale. Public Preparation has been
realised by Rael Artel and Airi Triisberg, and as a project will exist as
part of the exhibition via the Public Preparation Social Club (PPSC), a
space for comment, contextualizing and problematizing the key concepts and
issues of the biennale. PPSC consists of a small archive for documenting
events, as well as series of talks by artists, discussions, filmscreenings
and think tanks that link in one way or another with Consequences and

More about the curators:

Rael Artel (b. 1980) is an independent curator and art critic based in
P&auml;rnu, Estonia. She graduated from the Institute of Art History in
the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2003. She participated in a Curatorial
Training Programme at De Appel, Amsterdam (2004/2005), and since 2000, she
has contributed to a number of magazines in Estonia and elsewhere and
curated shows in Estonia as well as in Lisbon, New York, Amsterdam and
Warsaw. Since 2004, she has run and moderated her project space entitled
Rael Artel Gallery: Non-Profit Project Space (P&auml;rnu, Tartu).

Anneli Porri (b. 1980) is an art critic, lecturer and curator based in
Tallinn, Estonia. She graduated from the Institute of Art History in the
Estonian Academy of Arts in 2003. Currently, she participates in the
workgroups of the Nordic Baltic Curatorial Platform, organized by FRAME --
Finnish Fund for Art Exchange (Helsinki). She has curated satellite
projects for the 13th Tallinn Print Triennial (2004), the 4th Tallinn
Applied Art Triennial (2006), and special projects for young Estonian
artists in Narva and V&otilde;ru. Since 2004, she has worked as a lecturer
at the Old Town Educational College, Tallinn and at the Estonian Academy
of Arts.

For further information please contact:

Rael Artel, co-curator for the Biennale of Young Artists, Tallinn 2007
e-mail: moskva80 la moskva80.com

Anneli Porri, co-curator for the Biennale of Young Artists, Tallinn 2007
e-mail: 0322 la hot.ee

Elin Kard, project coordinator, Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia
e-mail: elin la cca.ee

The Biennale of Young Artists, Tallinn 2007 and Center for Contemporary
Arts, Estonia wish to thank the following for their support:  Centre for
Contemporary Art, Ujazdowski Castle / Contemporary Art Information Center
-- Lithuanian Art Museum / The Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius / Cultural
Endowment of Estonia / Estonian Academy of Arts / FRAME -- Finnish Fund
for Art Exchange / IASPIS -- International Artists Studio Program in
Sweden / Kesseum Foundation / kunst.ee -- Estonian quarterly of art and
visual culture / The Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art / Lithuanian
Institute / Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Estonia / P&auml;rnu
City Government / Sekcja -- arts magazine / Tatari 53 Hotel

For more information go to: http://www.biennaleofyoungartists.org
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