[Oberlist] UK* Cultural Transmission and Disciplinary Change Visiting Fellowships
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Mie Sep 26 01:27:59 CEST 2007
Cultural Transmission and Disciplinary Change Visiting Fellowships
The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities
invites applications for fellowship places for the academic year 2008-09.
The Visiting Fellowship Scheme is designed to dovetail with the Centre's
theme - which for 2007-09 will be Cultural Transmission and Disciplinary
The two-year theme will provide a scope for topics such as the
re-embedding of ideas, religions, ethnicities, histories, objects,
knowledge-practices, laws, human systems, and aesthetics across time and
space. It emphasizes movement and exchange, contestation and
fertilization, as well as the impact of globalization. Both years will
also encourage reflection on the changing boundaries of academic
disciplines, past, present, and future; the idea, history, and function of
the modern university; the nature of 'discipline' as it operates within
and beyond universities; and the university's contribution to the
well-being of the community more broadly. The theme offers an arena for
exploring the ways in which cultural transmission and disciplinary change
fold into one another.
Visiting Fellowships can be awarded for periods of nine weeks in any one
Cambridge term, during which Fellows are expected to be in residence in
Cambridge. Visiting Fellows take regular part in and contribute to the
Centre's programme of events, which consists of weekly work-in-progress
seminars and a reading group. At the end of their visit, Fellows submit a
short report to the Management Committee outlining their achievements
during their stay and should acknowledge CRASSH in any publication that
results in whole or in part from their visit.
Applicants should have an established record of scholarly excellence and a
demonstrated enthusiasm for working in an interdisciplinary or
multi-disciplinary environment. Please note the scheme is not designed for
those beyond the normal retirement age or to support post-doctoral study.
The deadline for applications is 31 October 2007.
Contact: The Administrator, CRASSH, 17 Mill Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1RX,
United Kingdom; www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/fellowships/fellowcomp08-09.html
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