[Oberlist] SCG* ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2007 konkurs/call for entries

US Vladimir us_v la hotmail.com
Joi Oct 4 04:32:41 CEST 2007

Vladimir Us
artist & curator

Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2007 00:37:44 +0200From: abodrozi la gmail.comTo: us_v la hotmail.comSubject: Fwd: FW: ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2007 konkurs/call for entries

something violeta sent, video festival in belgrade 

From: Akademski filmski centar [mailto: alternative la dksg.co.yu] Sent: недела, 08 јули 2007 13:49 To: Akademski filmski centarSubject: ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2007 konkurs/call for entries
Akademski kino klub/Akademski filmski centar
Dom kulture "Studentski grad"
Otvoren konkurs za ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2007
Konkurs za Festival novog filma i videa ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2007 je otvoren. Festival ce biti odrzan od 5. do 9. decembra 2007. godine. Filmovi i video radovi mogu se prijaviti do 15. oktobra 2007. na adresu:Akademski filmski centar Dom kulture »Studentski grad«Bul. Zorana Djindjica 17911070 Novi BeogradSrbija Radove slati uz popunjen odstampan prijavni list ( www.alternativefilmvideo.org ). Selekciona komisija odredice koji filmovi ulaze u takmicarski, odnosno u informativni program, a ziri festivala ce odluciti koji filmovi ce biti svrstani na listu posebnih ostvarenja. Nagradeni radovi bice objavljeni na DVD izdanju "Alternative film/video 2007", a nagradjeni autori dobijaju mogucnost da snime sledeci film/video u produkciji Akademskog filmskog centra, uz obezbeden smestaj i hranu u Studentskom gradu u trajanju od mesec dana u toku naredne godine. Za Festival se mogu predloziti i video instalacije i performansi, koji ce se odvijati u galerijama Doma kulture "Studentski grad" ili drugim adekvatnim festivalskim prostorima.Specijalni program: AsocijacijeProslogodisnji festival ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2006, po prvi put medjunarodni, ostvario je cilj da se u programu nadju filmovi i video forme koje na razlicite nacine mogu da ilustruju dileme u aktuelnom istrazivanju mogucih novih definicija alternativnog u ovoj oblasti. ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2007 posvetice paznju u pratecim programima fenomenu umetnickog udruzivanja i kolektiva, asocijacija i grupa, platformi koje omogucavaju zajednicke akcije i projekte u umetnickom delovanju. Tema Asocijacije pruza i mogucnost razmatranja uticaja i veza sa umetnickom praksom avangarde i alternativnih pokreta XX veka na aktuelne modele umetnickog delovanja. 
Akademski kino klub/Akademski filmski centar
Dom kulture "Studentski grad"
Bul. Zorana Djindjica 17911070 Novi BeogradSrbija
alternative la dksg.co.yu
tel: +381 11 2691 442
faks: +381 11 31 93 889
mob: +381 62 267839
ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2007 - Call for entries
Call for entries for Festival of new film and video ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2005 has been announced. Festival will take place from December 5 to 9, 2007. Films and videos can be applied until October 15, 2007 to:Academic Film Center"Students' City" Cultural centerBul. AVNOJ-a 17911070 Novi BeogradSerbia Send the works with filled printed application form (www.alternativefilmvideo.org ). Selection committee will decide which films will be in competition program, and which in informative program. The jury will decide which films and videos are on the List of special achievements which awards the authors the right to realize next film or video in Academic Film Center production, as guests (full accommodation) of AFC during one month that year and places their awarded works in the selection ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2007 published as a DVD non-commercial ALTERNATIVE publication. Performances and video installations can also be applied for the Festival, and they will take place in SCCC galleries or other adequate Festival spaces.Special program: Associations Last year festival edition - ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2006 – for the first time international - achieved the goal to offer films and video forms which can illustrate in different ways dilemmas in current research of possible new definitions of alternative in this field. ALTERNATIVE FILM/VIDEO 2007 will focus in the review programs to the phenomena of the artistic associating and collectives, platforms which enable joint actions in artistic practice. The theme Associations also allows discussing the influences and relations to the artistic practice of avant-garde and alternative movements of XX century to the current models of art activity. 
Academic Film Center
"Students' City" Cultural Center 
Bul. Zorana Djindjica 17911070 Novi BeogradSerbia
alternative la dksg.co.yu
tel: +381 11 2691 442
faks: +381 11 31 93 889
mob: +381 62 267839
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