[Oberlist] FI* Call for solidarity! Helsinki squat threatened with eviction

US Vladimir us_v la hotmail.com
Lun Oct 22 23:39:32 CEST 2007

Vladimir Us
artist & curator
> Message: 1> Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2007 10:13:07 +0200> From: "Alex Foti" <alex.foti la gmail.com>> Subject: [savenodesign] Fwd: [Euromayday] Call for solidarity!> Helsinki squat threatened with eviction
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------> From: ak <aleksi la q-olio.net>> Date: Oct 21, 2007 11:25 PM> Subject: [Euromayday] Call for solidarity! Helsinki squat threatened> with eviction> To: euromayday la euromayday.org> > > Call for solidarity!> Helsinki squat threatened with eviction> > After seven years of actions and a summer of non-stop squatting the> radical movement in Helsinki managed for the first time to secure a> social> centre of it's own in August 2007. The old restaurant building that> became> our home has been perfect for hosting revolution – with peoples> kitchens,> gigs, discussions, knitting, movies and other activities taking place> everyday.> > The owner of the building, a private insurance company called Etera> (www.etera.fi), has agreed on renting the house to the City of Helsinki> who in turn would hand it over to the squatters. While some people> within> the administration of the city give us support the more bureaucratic> middle aged men at the health and construction agencies have come up> with> regulations that are totally self serving, have no contact to reality> and> are a purely political assault against us. These regulations have been> enough to scare of the people that support us and the Youth Department> has> backed of from the project. If we don't convince the owners of the house> that touching us is a very bad idea then eviction will only be a matter> of> time. Another possible solution would be for the city to find us another> house. But as we've seen the double crossings of politicians over and> over> again we refuse to leave this house until we have another house to move> into. We have all ready during this summer witnessed the police showing> up> in the hundreds to evict us without hesitations to use brute force. No> matter how the city chooses to solve this problem they need to realise> eviction is not the solution.> > We appeal to all of our friends across Europe to act in our support> against the shit head politics that are being pushed through by the> officials of the City of Helsinki. Find an embassy of Finland close to> you, arrange a Thursday demo, send us solidarity, do what ever you> please> but now is the moment we need your support.> > The struggles for free spaces continue in all spaces!> > With love and respect> Helsinki squatters> Social centre Elimäenkatu 15> valtaus.org> > > _______________________________________________> Euromayday mailing list> Euromayday la euromayday.org> To unsubscribe: https://www5.autistici.org/mailman/listinfo/euromayday> > _______________________________________________> SaveNoDesign mailing list> SaveNoDesign la greenpeppermagazine.org> http://greenpeppermagazine.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/savenodesign> > > End of SaveNoDesign Digest, Vol 7, Issue 20> *******************************************
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