[Oberlist] UK/DE/BG/NL* EMARE - Grants for European Media Artists
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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Artinfo Digest, Vol 56, Issue 27
From: artinfo-request la lists.c3.hu
Date: Wed, October 24, 2007 13:00
To: artinfo la lists.c3.hu
Message: 3
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 22:31:25 +0200
From: peter zorn <pz la werkleitz.de> (by way of Janos Sugar)
Subject: [artinfo] EMARE - Grants European Media Artists
European Media Art Network presents
European Media Artists in Residence Exchange
EMARE - Grants for European Media Artists to UK,
Germany, Bulgaria and the Netherlands
With support of the European Union - Culture
2007-2013 programme the newly established
European Media Art Network will host 16 European
Media Artists in Residence Exchanges within 2008
and 2009 and organise a final exhibition in 2009
in Halle (Saale) additional to individual
Europe based Media Artists in the fields of digital media including
internet and computer based art, filmmakers, sound and video artists are
invited to apply for a two months artist residency at IMPAKT, Rotterdam,
Netherlands; Interspace, Sofia, Bulgaria; VIVID, Birmingham England or
at Werkleitz Center for Media Arts in Halle, Germany. Students are not
permitted, but young artists encouraged. EMARE includes a grant of 2.000
Euro, free accomodation, up to 250 Euro travel expenses, access to the
technical facilities and media labs and a professional presentation.
Entries should include the application form (downloadable from the
website), a CV, (audio)visual reference projects documentation (no
originals) and a proposal sketch for the project which should be
developed within EMARE. Artists with residence in or identity card
within Europe should contact one of the following institutions for
further details or visit the homepage:
Deadline: January, 7th, 2008.
Application form at www.werkleitz.de/emare
Werkleitz Gesellschaft e.V. . EMARE . Peter Zorn . Schleifweg 6
D-06114 Halle (Saale) . f: 49 68246-0 . fax -29
emare la werkleitz.de . www.werkleitz.de/emare
The Netherlands:
Impakt Festival . Arjon Dunnewind . P.O. Box 735 . NL-3500 AS Utrecht .
The Netherlands . f: +31 30 2944-493 . fax -163
info la impakt.nl . www.impakt.nl
InterSpace . Margarita Dorovska . 27 Benkovski Str. Ent. 2 fl. 1 ap. 18
Sofia 1000 . Bulgaria . f: +359 (2) 983 48 43
mdorovska la i-space.org . www.i-space.org
VIVID . Yasmeen Baig Clifford . 140 Heath Mill Lane . Birmingham
B94AR . UK . f: +44 (0) 121 766 7876f . fax: +44 (0) 871 251 0747
info la vivid.org.uk . www.vivid.org.uk
Werkleitz Gesellschaft e.V. / Schleifweg 6 / D-06114 Halle / Germany
T +49-(0)345-68246-11 / F +49-(0)345-68246-29 / www.werkleitz.de
Steuernummer 111/143/09151, Finanzamt Halle (Saale) Nord
Amtsgericht Halle VR 2277, Geschäftsführung Karsten Stempel
End of Artinfo Digest, Vol 56, Issue 27
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