[Oberlist] Follow Fluxus award
Nora Dorogan
noradorogan la yahoo.com
Vin Oct 26 15:36:58 CEST 2007
Follow Fluxus - Award of the state capital Wiesbaden and the Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden
The NKV and the state capital Wiesbaden call an international Fluxus award!
Together, from 2008 on, the NKV and the state capital Wiesbaden will call an international Wiesbaden-Fluxus-award every year. It will support young international artists whose work leans on the tradition of Fluxus. The award amounting to 10.000 will be awarded for three month and carry the title
In cooperation with the NKV, the state capital continues to work for the preservation of the spirit of the Fluxus movement that was founded in this city in 1962, and to connect the city of Wiesbaden with Fluxus in the interantional perception. With the leasehold contract signed on January 25, 2007, the NKV has received its building of the Wilhelmstraße 15. Past of the contract was the dedication of the newly gained third floor mainly to the support and preservation of the Fluxus movement and its future development.
The third floor and respective parts of the stairway have been extensively redecorated during the past months. The bigger part of the floor has been prepared as an exhibition space while a smaller part was separated to become a studio flat of 30qm which is still to be furnished.
The stipendiary will have a residency in Wiesbaden from June to August and is entitled to use the flat in the thrid floor for living and the connected third floor exhibition space as a studio. The resideny ends with a solo exhibition of the artist which will take place from September to May of the following year in the third floor.
Matching the fluxus theme, the installation "Ben's Bar" of Fluxus artist Benjamin Patterson who still lives in Wiesbaden and has agreed to provide the piece on permanent loan will be installed permanently in the third floor. With the installation, the communication between the original Fluxus and the contemporary stipendiaries shall be enhanced.
Details on admission guidelines, eligibility and further information on the scholarship, please check back here around october when the application deadline and all required data will be released or sign up for our -> newsletter to keep up with NKV news!
I welcome whatever happens next.
John Cage
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