[Oberlist] US* CfP: The Radical Right in post-1989 Central and Eastern Europe the Role of Legacies, New York, 24-26.4.2008
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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [balkans] CfP: The Radical Right in post-1989 Central and Eastern
Europe the Role of Legacies, New York, 24-26.4.2008
From: "Balkan Academic News" <balkans la gmx.net>
Date: Tue, November 6, 2007 01:31
To: balkans la yahoogroups.com
Call for Papers
Conference The Radical Right in post-1989 Central and Eastern Europe the
Role of Legacies
New York University, April 24 26, 2008
Perhaps more than in other regions, the radical right in post-1989 Central
and Eastern Europe is interpreted as the return of history or the return
to the past. Moreover, the histories of state socialism and of
pre-socialist non-democratic experiences are seen as major factors in
shaping both the contents and the opportunities of the radical right in
these new or emerging democracies. Often, the role of legacies in the
sense of Jowitt, Crawford, Lijphart and others are used to interpret the
particularities of the phenomenon.
This conference wants to adress the isse of legacies and their impact on
the CEE radical right in a systematic and twofold way. Legacies shall be
understood both as a contextual factor, as part of structural and cultural
opportunities for new movements and parties in the region, along with
particular post-socialist pathways which individual countries have taken
on the road to democracy and other context factors, and as a textual
factor, as part of the ideological baggage of the past which is revived
and reinterpreted by the radical right.
Participants at the conference are invited to address these issues in a
larger comparative or small-N, case-oriented fashion. Contextual analyses
may highlight to what extent particular legacies have informed the patterns
of post-socialist pathways and and discuss the respective explanatory power
of these factors for the types and strengths of radical right parties and
movements which emerged (or did not emerge, as in some countries).
Comparative analyses may map the varieties of the party and non-party
radical right in a cross-country approach. Case studies may take an
in-depth look at the role of legacies and the mechanism of its input into
the shape and success of the radical right in individual countries.
Paper givers who are accepted will be paid round-trip airfare (economy) and
three nights of accomodation in New York. They are expected to revise their
papers for a publication after the conference.
The deadline for abstracts (1 page) is December 1, 2007. Please send them
electronically or per snail mail to:
Michael Minkenberg
Max Weber Chair of European Studies
Center for European and Mediterranean Studies
New York University
285 Mercer St., 7th Floor
New York, NY 10003
Email: mm1807 la nyu.edu
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