[Oberlist] CA* festival call for submission
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Vin Noi 23 07:44:53 CET 2007
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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [RK] festival call for submission
From: "alessandra renzi" <renzi73 la gmx.de>
Date: Wed, November 21, 2007 07:04
To: "Alessandra Renzi" <renzi73 la gmx.de>
Quest'anno sono anche interessati alla pornografia indipendente...
Inside Out Toronto Lesbian and Gay Film and Video Festival
18th Annual Festival • May 15-25, 2008
Call for Submissions
EARLY DEADLINE: December 14, 2007 (no submission fee)
FINAL DEADLINE: February 1, 2008 ($25 submission fee)
Inside Out, presenter of the Toronto Lesbian and Gay Film and Video
Festival, invites you to join us for the 18th annual celebration of
Canadaâs pre-eminent exhibition of queer film and video from around
the world. Inside Out hosts one of the largest queer film festivals
internationally, highlighting the diversity of gay, lesbian,
bisexual, transsexual and transgendered film and video making in
documentary, shorts, features and installations.
Highlights in 2007 were our International Focus on East Asia which
included the Canadian premieres of Spider Lilies by Zero Chou and
Eternal Summer by Leste Chen. Also included in the series was the
10th anniversary screening of Wong Kar-Waiâs Happy Together and the
shorts program Hammered Down: East Asian Shorts. The 2007 edition of
the festival also inaugurated two new sidebars: The Outsiders for
experimental and cutting edge works and Guilty Pleasures for
entertaining film and television.
The Festival also featured the guest curated programs Back Alley
Jukebox and our annual showcase of trans artists in TSTGISGQDK/Q2S...
Work by and about trans and intersex artists was represented in
record numbers with a variety of shorts, documentaries and features
that included Red Without Blue, One Night Stand, Octopusalarm,
Beautiful Daughters and many more.
Galas screened included The Picture of Dorian Gray (USA), King and
the Clown (South Korea) and Itty Bitty Titty Committee (USA).
Returning for an ninth installment was our mentorship program of new
short works by local emerging filmmakers in the Queer Youth Digital
Video Project.
Our 2007 Festival screened more than 275 works from 30 countries,
with sold-out screenings daily. We had guests attend the festival
from all over Canada, Israel, Finland, Brazil, Indonesia, Cuba, USA,
and more. Industry came out to the Festival in greater numbers with
Showcase, CBC Television, BRAVO, the Independent Film Channel,
Showcase, Out TV, Mongrel Media, CFMDC, V tape, Seville Pictures, MTV
Logo and other distributors all sending buyers and distribution
representatives to look at our selections and secure work for
theatrical distribution and broadcast. As well, representatives from
more than 25 Canadian and international festivals attended Inside Out
to seek out new works for their programming.
Toronto is a major film centre and home to one of the most vibrant
queer communities in the world. The Toronto Lesbian and Gay Film and
Video Festival is renowned for its innovative programming,
enthusiastic audiences, comprehensive media coverage and hospitality.
Our venues offer state-of-the-art exhibition facilities in the heart
of downtown Toronto, making the Festival an ideal place to launch new
work. Inside Out hosts numerous parties, receptions and special
events that provide excellent opportunities to network with industry
professionals and other independent film and video makers.
Media coverage of the Festival has included features, festival round-
ups, cover stories, previews, reviews and artist profiles in:
Variety, Canadian Press, The Toronto Star, The Globe And Mail, The
National Post, The Toronto Sun, fab, Xtra, Now, Eye Weekly, CTV, City
TV-Movie Television, CBC Televisionâs The Hour, Sing Tao Daily,
Showcase, The Independent Film Channel, OUT TV, Naked News, Film
Festival Channel, MTV Canada, CFRB, Le Métropolitain, Radio-Canada
and CBC Radio.
The Festival is produced by Inside Out, a non-profit charitable arts
organization dedicated to showcasing the best and most diverse film
and video work produced by and about the lives of queers in Canada
and around the globe.
Inside Out has the most extensive awards program of any queer film
festival in Canada, honoring work in many categories. Awards are
given for both Canadian and international work. A jury of film
professionals and community representatives choose awards for
Canadian film and video makers. Our three audience awards are open to
all works presented at the Festival and are chosen by post-screening
balloting. In all, more than $7500 in cash and prizes is awarded
1. Only 1/2" VHS (NTSC) videotapes or DVD (Region 0 or Region 1 NTSC)
will be accepted for preview. DO NOT send master tapes or film prints
for preview screening. Please ensure that DVDs submitted are not
defective, as you will not be contacted resubmit a new DVD. If
submitting previews on DVD, we encourage artists to submit a back-up
copy. If you wish to submit in any other format, please email
jason la insideout.ca for approval.
2. Preview tapes and DVDs must be labeled with the title, running
time and contact information (including name, address, phone number
and email).
3. Works submitted in languages other than English must be subtitled
or accompanied by an English transcript.
4. Works-in-progress and rough cuts can be submitted only if a
completed exhibition copy will be available for final approval by
March 15, 2008.
5. Inside Out reserves the right to excerpt programmed works (up to 3
minutes) along with photographic stills for promotional and marketing
6. Do not send submissions in fibre-filled envelopes. The dust
damages videotapes and VCRs.
7. All submissions must be received by either December 14, 2007 or
February 1, 2008* (If you need an extension you must contact
jason la insideout.ca. You will be notified of programming decisions by
April 4, 2008)
*If submitting to the second deadline of February 1, 2008, please
make the $25 submission fee payable by cheque to Inside Out. This
submission fee must accompany your tape or DVD.
8. All preview tapes will be added to the Inside Out archives unless
accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope (for submissions
from outside Canada please use International Postal Coupons) and a
request for return.
9. To submit more than one work, please make a copy of this
submission form for each entry.
10. If you are sending work from outside Canada, please indicate on
the outside of the package, for festival preview only, no commercial
value or you may be required to pay customs duties. Declare less than
$20 value on the package (Inside Out will be charged customs fees
which we will not pay).
11. If using a courier, never send work to Canada by UPS (United
Parcel Service), as they charge large customs fees, which the
festival will not pay, and your tape will be returned.
12. Acceptable screening formats at the Festival are 35mm, 16mm, BETA
SP (NTSC or PAL) and DigiBeta. Inside Out does not screen DVDs at the
c Preview tape (VHS NTSC) or DVD (Region O or Region 1 NTSC)
c Completed and signed submission form.
c B&W and/ or colour stills. (Images on CD and emailed stills are
acceptable. If emailing, please send to submissions la insideout.ca in
the following format: eps, tiff or jpg files with a dpi of 300 or
higher. Good stills can make a difference in press coverage and
festival prominence).
c Synopsis/ press kit. (If it is a non-english language film, please
send press materials in original language as well, if available).
Note: If you are sending work from outside Canada, please indicate on
the outside of the package for festival preview, no commercial value
and declare less than $20 in value.
Inside Out
Attn.: Jason St-Laurent, Director of Programming
401 Richmond St. West, Suite 219
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5V 3A8
Tel: 416.977.6847
Fax: 416.977.8025
For submission extensions, please contact jason la insideout.ca
English title:
Original title:
Country of origin:
Year of completion:
Original Language:
SubtitledPc Dubbed c
Original Format:
Exhibition format: 35mm c 16mm c BetaSP c PDigiBeta c
Running time:
Category (check all that apply): P
Fiction c PDocumentary c PExperimental c PAnimation c
Gay c PLesbian c Bisexual c Trans / Intersex c Two-Spirited c
Mixed c
Film specifications:
Sound: Mono c Stereo c Dolby A c Dolby SR c DTS Digi c
Aspect ratio: 1.33 c 1.66 c 1.85 c Scope c
If accepted, this festival screening will be a premiere in:
Toronto c PNorth America c PCanada c PWorld c
Have you sold broadcast rights in Canada? PYes c PNo c
Has or will the film/ video be broadcast on TV in Toronto previous to
Inside Out
(May 15-25, 2008)? PYes c PNo c When and where?
Is this film/video PDistributed? c PSelf-distributed? c
If so which distributor?
Print/ tape source (for festival catalogue â if accepted this
information will be printed in the catalogue â please inform us of
any changes)
Contact Name (First, Last):
Relation to Film (Producer, distributor):
Postal/zip code:
Telephone: Fax:
Director contact info (will not be included in the catalogue-for
internal purposes only)
Name (First, Last):
Postal/zip code:
Telephone: Fax:
c Yes, I authorize Inside Out to keep my submission tape for use in
the Inside Out Viewing Library with the understanding that the
Library is for in-house viewing to the public only; they are not used
for any additional public screenings without the written consent of
the director and/or distributor.
c Yes, I authorize Inside Out to potentially screen the work a second
time for a best of the fest screening in Ottawa.
c Please send future calls for submission to my email account.
I have read and agree to the festival submission and participation
guidelines and certify that I am authorized to submit this work to
Inside Out and that all the information is correct.
-------------------------------------------[ RK ]
+ http://liste.rekombinant.org/wws/subrequest/rekombinant
+ http://www.rekombinant.org
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