[Oberlist] Filmfest Dresden 2008: Call for Entries!!! + attachment

andra vaida andravaida la yahoo.com
Mie Dec 5 14:55:43 CET 2007

(see also german and french version in attachment)

Dear filmmakers, dear colleagues,

Next year Filmfest Dresden will celebrate its 20th anniversary. It is Europe’s short film festival with the best funded prizes.
We are always seeking to have a big variety of films from many different countries in our competition.
You can help us to achieve this aim by forwarding this e-mail to film institutions or filmmakers or hanging the attached poster in your institution. Thank you very much in advance for your support. 
You will find more specific information concerning our festival as well as registration formalities on our website www.filmfest-dresden.de and in this e-mail.

The 20th Filmfest Dresden will take place from 15. - 20. April 2008. You can now find the online submission form on our website www.filmfest-dresden.de.

The deadline for submissions is 5 January 2008.

Details related to the films, such as the cast or other listings can be altered or augmented at will, thanks to the filmmakers' personalised online accounts with Filmfest Dresden.

The following film productions are eligible for submission to the competitions:
- length 30 minutes maximum
- date of production after 31 December 2005
- short fiction or animated film.

For the (non-competition) special programmes, films in the animation, short fiction, experimental and documentary genres at a length of up to 45 minutes can be submitted, including those produced before 31 December 2005.

For requests concerning your application please contact:
entry la filmfest-dresden.de

Best regards,
Robin Mallick, Katharina Grammel, Katarzyna śak and Kai Linsenmaier

Filmfest Dresden
Alaunstr. 62
01099 Dresden

Tel.: +49.351.829470
Fax: +49.351.8294719



Mobil D: +49-(0)163-2064425
Mobil RO: +40-(0)724-526552
andra.vaida la gmail.com 
andrada.vaida la moe-kulturmanager.de 
Project Assistance CYNETart_07
Trans-Media-Akademie Hellerau
Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 56
01109 Dresden, Germany
Tel.: +49-(0)351-8896665
vaida la body-bytes.de 
www.t-m-a.de, www.cynetart.de 
„Kulturmanager aus Mittel- und Osteuropa“, ein Programm der Robert Bosch Stiftung durchgeführt von MitOst e.V.
„Manageri culturali din Europa Centrala si de Est”, un program al Fundatiei Robert Bosch derulat de Asociatia MitOst e.V.
www.moe-kulturmanager.de, www.mitost.de 

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Nume: Call for entries - forward.pdf
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Un ata?ament non-text a fost ?ters...
Nume: Poster Filmfest Dresden 2008.pdf
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Desc: 903329735-Poster Filmfest Dresden 2008.pdf
Url : http://idash.org/pipermail/oberlist/attachments/20071205/69798823/attachment-0003.pdf 

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