[Oberlist] IT* concurs de scenarii
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Dum Dec 16 02:28:24 CET 2007
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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [Info_Culture] concurs de scenarii
From: "vascaly" <micha14ella la gmail.com>
Date: Mon, December 10, 2007 18:59
To: info_culture la yahoogroups.com
Va solicitam sprijinul pentru a putea mediatiza cat mai bine acest
concurs, poate vor dori sa participe cat mai multi creatori din
Va multumim
Cu deosebit respect
Roxana Calinescu
Presedinte Asociatia 4HARMONY
Va transmitem, atasat, invitatia de a participa la Concursul de
scenarii pentru scurtmetraje "Who goes on scene?", care se va
desfasura la Spoleto-Italia, intre 25-30 ianuarie 2008. Detaliile
privind organizarea si desfasurarea concursului, precum si conditiile
de participare si documentele necesare inscrierii sunt cuprinse in
documentele de mai jos.
Pentru alte detalii, iata datele de contact :
Viale Trento e Trieste 65, 06049 Spoleto, Tel: 0743 49987, Fax:
0743-47690, E-mail: progetti la gsitalia.org , www.gsiitalia.org
Roxana Calinescu
Presedinte Asociatia 4HARMONY
Asociatia 4HARMONY
+40 722 290 875
+40 318 013 421 - tel/fax
all4harmony la gmail.com
The GSI ITALIA Association
, in collaboration with:
CASTIIS, Centro de Assistensia social a terceira Idade e Infancia de
4HARMONY ASSOCIATION Bucharest, Romania, Association of Culture
and Education,
Fundatia ACTIVITY pentru resurse umane si dezvoltare durabila,
Koperrazjoni Internazzjonali - Malta,
KDMS - Krestankodenokrasticka mladz Sloveska,
Prohomosapiens, Associazione Culturale di Comunicazione,
SYMFILIOSI, Raama Noorte Uhing Noorus,
and the financing of the EU EACEA-Education Audiovisual and Culture
Executive Agency,
organizes the competition Who goes on scene", aimed at Italian and
foreign filmmakers.
GSI ITALIA is a non-profit association that is committed for years on
the issues of active
citizenship as a means of building a more democratic society where
the people are
protagonists of their future and that the society and of Europe.
The competition is opened to individuals or individual groups of
subjects and is
to select a screenplay of a short film.
The content must be strongly related to
the following themes:
- Integration of Ethnic Minorities;
- Prejudice against ethnic minorities;
- Tolerance;
- Pluralism and not discrimination.
The winner will receive a prize of 1.500,00 Euros for the
implementation of the short
film, which will be presented in Bianco Film Festival", held every
year in Perugia in the
month of June.
The winner is committed to realize the short film with the deadline
of April 30, 2008.
Submission of the application
The deadline for submitting applications for registration is January
20, 2008.
The screenplay (in two copies) should be accompanied by :
- Curriculum Vitae
- Registration form
and must be hand-delivered or sent by registered mail no later than
January 20, 2008 to:
GSI ITALIA Viale Trento e Trieste 65, 06049, Spoleto (PG).
We considered just the shipments with the correct postmark.
The competition will take place from the 25 to 30 of January 2008.
Admission to the competition is free.
The screenplay should not exceed 20.000 characters (including
punctuation marks).
The script must be original, written from/by candidate/s (not
copyright) and should be
designed to achieve a short silent film.
Authors must submit screenplays in Italian, with an abstracts in
The screenplays of the foreign authors, who don't use the Italian
language, has
to be presented in English
Every author must take responsibility for the information provided
and the content of
the work presented.
The work submitted will not be returned.
The jury assigned the following tasks:
- make a selection of the works
- form a ranking;
- indicate the winner.
The panel's decision is final.
Participation in the competition implies acceptance of this
What is not explicity required by the Rules, the Committee will take
all the decisions.
For every kind of information, please contact:
Viale Trento e Trieste 65, 06049 Spoleto
Tel: 0743 49987
Fax: 0743-47690
E-mail: progetti la gsitalia.org
Cod. Fiscale: 93011870545
GSI Italia
Viale Trento e Trieste, 65
06049 Spoleto (PG)
Single: Group:
Surname and name *:
Born in ______________ Date of birth ____________Personal
Citizenship _______________ Resident
Address (if different from
Contact numbers _______________________________ E-
Under the screenplay:
The GSI Italia signed autorizing the processing of data above under
D.l.196/2003 for the
purposes and methods related to the conduct of the competition.
Other statements (space for any further statements):
Please attach the following documents:
- 2 copies of the screenplay;
- Curriculum vitae;
- a copy of the identity card (valid)
Other (please specify): _____________________________
* For groups or subjects, please indicate the name of the person of
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