[Oberlist] CE# Digitizing Central Europe: Alternative Media and Spaces of Identity
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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [balkans] CfP: Digitizing Central Europe: Alternative Media and
Spaces of Identity
From: "Balkan Academic News" <balkans la gmx.net>
Date: Sat, December 29, 2007 11:34
To: balkans la yahoogroups.com
From:"Editors" <admin la spacesofidentity.mrln.ca>
spacesofidentity.net has migrated to a new platform. In the future, the
journal will be published on the basis of Open Journal Systems, a software
dedicated to peer-reviewed scholarly publications, created by the Public
Knowledge Project and part of the Canadian Synergies initiative. It is the
aim of this initiative to provide public, open access to the results of
scholarly work as well as index, cross-reference, and archive scholarly
publications on the basis of open-source software, and we are very pleased
that spacesofidentity.net is now included in this initiative. We would like
to acknowledge the help of York University Libraries in facilitating the
move to the new platform.
For the reader of spacesofidentity.net this will mean a slightly different
interface, accessed from the same web address. The archive of back issues
has been migrated but is also still available in its original location.
Readers can now register in order to subscribe to news and updates (content
will still be accessible without subscription). Authors can submit their
articles through a web interface in addition to the standard methods of
email and hard copy. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to
contact us.
To mark the occasion of this move, there will be a special issue of
spacesofidentity.net. Please distribute the call below widely.
Editorial team, spacesofidentity.net
Call for Papers
Special Issue of spacesofidentity.net
Digitizing Central Europe: Alternative Media and Spaces of Identity
In the post-Soviet and new-EU member-state imaginaries of contemporary
Central Europe, digital media and technologies such as weblogs,
internet-based social networking, text messaging, internet radio etc. have
played a significant role in mediating and re-signifying public spheres and
constructing public homes that negotiate, and often express an ambivalent
relationship with, national, supra-national, urban and global spaces of
identity. While often inviting participatory forms of engagement with
public issues and blurring the boundaries between civic, journalistic and
academic engagement, the complex, opaque and skill-demanding new
mediascape of blogging, Web 2.0 and flash mobs has also opened up a
"digital divide" based not only on affluence but also on age, gender and
language. This asynchronicity of participation has produced nationalist and
populist backlashes to global and transnational imaginaries, sometimes
supported by the more traditional media of radio broadcasts, (national)
television and the popular press.
The special issue of spacesofidentity.net invites contributions that
explore how contemporary media cultures in Central Europe harness the
normalizing and subversive potential of electronic media for critique and
identity formation.
Topics and case studies could include, but are not limited to:
the impact of digital media on civic engagement, academic and journalistic
diasporic communities and media cultures
metroblogging, communities of proximity, and urban culture
flash mobs and cultures of resistance
YouTube, documentary, and protest
comments, web polls and populism
social networking, poking and popularity
global Internet English, national languages, and identity formation
Cyrillics, diacritics and power
Contributors are encouraged to keep their submissions to less than 10,000
words. Submissions should not have been previously published in English.
All submissions should be accompanied by a 100-word abstract and a brief
biographical note including institutional affiliation. References should be
given as in-text quotations in parentheses according to MLA style. Full
references should be formatted in MLA style and placed at the end of the
document after the endnotes, in alphabetical order. Please make sure that
any information on your authorship is deleted from the submisson file
(including the user info in Word and Acrobat). spacesofidentity.net is
using a double-blind reviewing system, meaning that the identities of both
authors and reviewers will be concealed from each other. We ask all authors
to provide the contact details (including e-mail addresses) of at least two
potential peer reviewers for their manuscript. These should be experts in
their field of study, who will be able to provide an objective assessment
of the manuscript. Any suggested peer reviewers should not have published
with any of the authors of the manuscript within the past five years and
should not be members of the same research institution. Members of the
Editorial Board of the journal can be nominated. Suggested reviewers will
be considered alongside potential reviewers identified.Please send your
submissions to editors la spacesofidentity.net, or submit them via the web
Deadline for manuscript submission: 15 March 2008
About spacesofidentity.net
spacesofidentity.net hopes to make a contribution to ongoing debates in
cultural studies. It scrutinizes the new, post-Soviet symbolic geographies
that separate insiders from outsiders (informed by history and politics but
implying identity), investigate the (historically and culturally)
constructed nature of common symbols and histories, and trace the multiple
vectors of domination and resistance involved in their emergence. Objects
of analysis are the histories and narratives in which these conflicting
forms of identification are negotiated. Feelings of territorial cultural
belonging, of Heimat and exile can be analyzed, for example, through the
prisms of migration patterns, diasporic experiences and urban lifestyles.
spacesofidentity.net welcomes essays and scholarly articles from a number
of disciplines: history, sociology, and political science, as well as
literature, linguistics, ethnology, cultural anthropology, cultural
geography, cultural studies, film studies and gender studies. The aim of
the journal is to include rather than to exclude various scholarly
approaches and points of view. Within such a broadly defined framework, we
consider all topics relevant to the question of identity formation. Even
though Central and Eastern Europe are the primary geographic areas of our
interest, we welcome comparative analyses that point out shared experiences
in the process of defining and redefining spaces of identity.
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