[Oberlist] SG* Project Assistant Cultural Exchange(2008)

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Vin Ian 18 03:58:40 CET 2008

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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [Info_Culture] Project Assistant Cultural Exchange(2008)
From:    "Anca Rotescu" <arotescu la concept.ro>
Date:    Thu, January 17, 2008 11:48
To:      Info_Culture la yahoogroups.com

ASEF-Cultural Exchange recruits a Project Officer

The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) was established in February 1997, by
members of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). This public foundation is
based in Singapore and reports to a Board of Governors comprising
members from the 43 ASEM[1] countries. ASEF seeks to promote better
mutual understanding between civil societies of Asia and Europe through
greater intellectual, cultural and people-to-people exchanges between
the two regions.

Through the meetings and workshops it organises in Europe and Asia, ASEF
Cultural Exchange Department seeks to offer a unique environment where
artists and cultural professionals from Europe and Asia can meet,
exchange ideas and experiences and develop potential future common
projects between Asia and Europe. To fulfill its mission, ASEF has
developed three programme areas:

1. Young artists' exchange: with its yearly series of Asia-Europe Art
Camp (new media arts), Future Image, Asia-Europe Forum for Young
Photographers;  Pointe to Point, Asia-Europe Dance Forum and  I'mPULSE
Asia-Europe Music Camp; Asia Europe Film Meeting;

2. Process Oriented Platforms and Networks (cinema:
http://sea-images.asef.org <http://sea-images.asef.org/> ; ASEMUS:
museums: www.asemus.org <http://www.asemus.org/> ; autonomous cultural
centres, Visual Arts: http://www.culture-asef.org and the Asia-Europe
Culture Portal Culture 360)  and Connect2Culture.

3. Dialogue on Policy and Culture (ASEF as an interface between the
levels of cultural professionals/artists and policy makers)

The Cultural Exchange Department is composed of one director (Indonesia)
and 5 project staff. All ASEF activities which take place in Europe and
Asia are co-organised by ASEF headquarters in Singapore. All ASEF
departments have a balanced representation of Asian and European
professionals and trainees in their team.

The project officer will have to the opportunity to

*	be actively working on the development of specific projects
related to Cultural Exchange
*	acquire a better knowledge of the Asian and European
Institutions, Cultural Networks and of International Cultural Management
*	learn the different steps of implementing a project from concept
to its implementation
*	get more professional knowledge on working with different
partners and cultural professionals from Europe and Asia and build-up
*	get the opportunity to contribute his/her knowledge based on his
studies and past experiences.

The successful candidate will be assigned the following general duties
and responsibilities.

*	To assist the project team, under supervision of the Director,
in selected projects by being involved with a sufficient level of
autonomy in implementation and execution of programmes/activities that
are assigned (research, identification of partners, negotiation, design,
organization, reporting and evaluation of projects)
*	To assist the project team in ASEF publications, websites,
updating database and compilation of the final reports.
*	Promote strong networks and good relationships with partner
*	To actively contribute and give intellectual input to CE 's
development and participate in general activities of ASEF.

The successful candidate will have the following profile:

*	A young professional with at least 3 years experience in working
in the cultural policy and cultural management field and some
international cultural project experience
*	Hold a university degree arts/cultural management, cultural
policy or related to the arts
*	Excellent command of English (both written and oral) and strong
interest in working in a multi-cultural environment required.
*	Excellent presentation, organizational & communication skills
and imaginative
*	Knowledge of project planning and project management
*	Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to effectively
communicate with a wide range of individuals and constituencies
*	Demonstrated ability to work in a team environment
*	Proficient in MS Office and basic Web administration

Applicants should send the following before February 1st 2008

to Wendy Lee  at Wendylee la asef.org


Cultural Exchange

31 Heng Mui Keng Terrace

Singapore 119595

a.	Cover letter detailing the qualities/contributions that he/she
can bring to the Cultural Exchange project development.
b.	CV with candidate's contact details highlighting past
studies/work experiences related to the above job requirements.

The ASEF office is located in the National University of Singapore, 31
Heng Mui Keng Terrace | Singapore 119595

We are looking for candidates for immediate start.

Further details are available on our website : www.asef.org

The Cultural Exchange team


[1] Current ASEM partners: Austria, Belgium, Brunei, Bulgaria, Cambodia,
China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Laos,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mongolia, Myanmar, The
Netherlands, The Philippines, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Thailand,
United Kingdom and Vietnam, plus the European Commission and ASEAN
Secretariat .

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