[Oberlist] UK* apel: Open Ear, Cardiff, Wales

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Mar Apr 22 23:48:36 CEST 2008

Open Ear, cardiff, Wales.
:: Open Ear ::
Open Ear (http://openear.wordpress.com/) is a loose collaborative group
formed in 2006 by Paul Adams, Garrett Lynch and Matt Wright with the
purpose of creating audio-visual art and organising live events within
club, gallery, open air or site-specific venues.

:: Open Ear - Cardiff 13/06/08, open call for works ::
On June 13th 2008, Open Ear will host a free one night only event of
experimental work in the ATRiuM Theatre at the University of Glamorgan's
newly built ATRiuM, Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural Industries,
Cardiff, Wales (http://cci.glam.ac.uk/). Curated by Garrett Lynch
(http://www.asquare.org/) the event will present a series of
interdisciplinary performances and projections by various artists.

Sound and visual artists / groups working across the areas of art, music,
media and new technologies within live performance / projected contexts
are invited to contribute to this event under an open theme.

What does this mean?
There is no imposed theme instead we want to present a selection of
time-based work by artists based on their themes, their continuing
research, as an event which will explore the diverse and interdisciplinary
nature of audio-visual arts. Proposed performances / projected works can
be new or pre-existing works, improvised, dynamically generated (such as
software art) or pre-composed, abstract or figurative, individual or
collaborative, experimental, site specific and much, much more. All
proposals are required to be:
1. time-based (remember this is a audience based event in a theatre)
2. and ether audio-visual, audio only or visual only work (selection
preference will be given to works which are audio-visual)

Works should aim to be a maximum of 30 minutes each however this is flexible.

As the event is free we are unable to offer individual payment to artists
however we will provide access to reasonable requests for equipment
(please include a list of requirements in your proposal and we will
attempt to cater for this) at the venue and of course the opportunity to
present work in one of Cardiff's newest cutting edge venues.

Proposals should take the form of a word / pdf / rtf / txt document (two
pages maximum) with:

1. A description of the work (500 words maximum).
2. Images to give us an idea of the proposed work.
3. A full list of required equipment (please note that the event will host
several performers so complex configurations involving lengthy set-up
times will not be catered for).
4. Urls to previous examples of work online (videos or sound files online
are particularly useful).
5. A short bio (200 words maximum).
6. Artist(s) / group / performer(s) name and full contact details.

Please email proposals as compressed attachments (.zip / .dmg / .sit /
.sitx / tar.gz / .tgz) to Garrett Lynch (garrett [at] asquare dot org) no
later than 12pm (GMT), Friday 16/05/08.

To get an idea of the type of events we organise please see our website
(http://openear.wordpress.com/) for full details of all past events and
our YouTube account (http://ie.youtube.com/openeargroup) for videos of
pasts events.

:: The Venue ::
The University of Glamorgan's newly built ATRiuM in Cardiff, Wales opened
in 2007 and houses the Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural Industries
which comprises of Art & Design, Media & Communication and Drama & Music.
Situated in central Cardiff, Wales, this specially-designed building
contains cutting edge technology and facilities including
industry-standard studios, a theatre and cinema.

Address: ATRiuM Theatre, Adam Street, Cardiff, Wales, CF24 2FN

Detailed information on how to get here can be found on the university
website (http://www.glam.ac.uk/visiting#atrium).

Open Ear, audio-visual events and performances are supported by The
University of Glamorgan, ATRiuM, Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural
Industries, Cardiff, Wales.

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