[Oberlist] UK* MESHO: LondON squatters spoof Metro (free tabloid)
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Mie Apr 23 02:33:28 CEST 2008
Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [Rezone] MESHO: LondON squatters spoof Metro (free tabloid)
From: "Linda" <chetri la gmail.com>
Date: Mon, April 21, 2008 11:12
To: rezone la lists.rixc.lv
Jaunais mesho tabloids te: http://www.schnews.org.uk/satire/pdf/mesho.pdf
Lasi pats un padod taalaak!
Dowload it, Print it, Distribute it ...
MESHO, The 16-page tabloid spoof paper about squatting, homelessness
and autonomous spaces is out! Apeing the METRO masthead, it was
distributed around the country over the last weekend, but nearly didn't
happen: three separate printers pulled out at the last minute fearing a
legal comeback - one excusing themselves because they print METRO,
before another finally obliged at the last minute. Download MESHO on pdf
(16 page, tabloid size, 4.7mb) at
You can find out more about the International Days of action
for squats and autonomous spaces here :
.. REZONE http://re-lab.lv/rezone
.. WWW: https://lists.rixc.lv/mailman/listinfo/rezone
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