[Oberlist] NL* ImageRadio - Call for Artists - Deadline extended to June 9th
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Lun Mai 26 19:57:43 CEST 2008
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---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [curatorial.net] ImageRadio - Call for Artists - Deadline
extended to June 9th
From: Anette Schäfer <anette la trampoline-berlin.de>
Date: Mon, May 26, 2008 14:01
To: Curatorial la curatorial.net
C a l l f o r A r t i s t s
Exploring Your Invisible Paradise!
IMAGE RADIO 2008 - Eindhoven
New media in public space
30-10 till 02-11-2008
Submit your work until 9th of June 2008
Take this opportunity to participate in the 2nd edition of Image Radio a
young festival for new ideas in digital culture, taking place in Eindhoven,
For more information, please go to
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