[Oberlist] project: synapses
synapsen la gmx.net
synapsen la gmx.net
Mie Iul 23 17:55:52 CEST 2008
for all persons interested!
now it´s official! the project: synapses, a non-profit-student-project, is comming to chisinau in the beginning of august.
we want to set up a two-month-project with creating artworks in the fields of photography, music, fine art, graphic-, product- and stage-design as well as street-art, which will be presented to the public in the end of september and we want to invide you to join the project.
accompanying the project we have created a website - www.project-synapses.eu - which is not finished yet but allready online. all the news and dates for wortkshops, projects and events as well as photos can be found on this side.
for contacting us please use synapsen la gmx.net.
with best regards
georg waldmann
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Un ata?ament non-text a fost ?ters...
Nume: synapsen-flyer-english-neu-.jpg
Tip: image/jpeg
M?rime: 204063 octe?i
Desc: indisponibil(?)
Url : http://idash.org/pipermail/oberlist/attachments/20080723/d26552df/attachment-0001.jpg
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