[Oberlist] RS* 12 international video festival VIDEOMEDEJA, Novi Sad

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Sâm Sep 13 15:58:43 CEST 2008

Novi Sad, Serbia

12 international video festival videomedeja


Like previous years we are looking for new video art works and short
films, media installations, live audiovisual performances, network based
projects... In addition, we are very glad to receive proposals from
curators and producers/distributors for the non-competitive special
screenings. Entry forms are online and it is not necessary to create user
account in order to submit entries but we suggest to do so and log in
prior submitting. This way you will be able to edit your own submissions
and get partly prefilled entries with values from your user account.
video | film
media installations | network | live projects

Sphinx award - for the best video
Bogdanka Poznanovic award - for the best media installation, network or
live project

Theme and Form
There are no fixed criteria concerning work theme or form. The only works
the selection committee will not consider are those containing any kind of
offensive or aggressive message/content. The submitted works should be
produced in 2006, 2007 or 2008.

Costs and shipping
Due to the limited budget, we can't provide screening fees or cover the
travel expenses for the participants. In certain cases, we might cover
travel costs for live performances. The Festival is providing
accommodation in Novi Sad for participants who wish to attend. Costs for
sending preview and screening copies are to be paid by the sender.

Please use one application per entry piece. Each entry is a sort of
agreement and it is necessary to follow the submission procedure:

Submit one copy of the entry online.

Razpisni obrazec
Rok prijave: 01/10/08

p.o. box 137
21101  Novi Sad
tel: +381 641900452
office la videomedeja.org

Moldova Young Artists Association "Oberliht"
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portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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